080306 Portia on Injustice
A New Spiral of Cosmic Justice
Today Portia speaks to us of cosmic justice. And she brings with her “a new spiral of divine justice” and tells us that she and Saint Germain see the earth “with new crystals of light by the hand of the conscious ones who work with [her] to balance the scales of justice on earth.”
She reminds us that feelings of injustice within us must go because all we require is ours through our connection with God. Through this connection we live in presence, and then it is not difficult to see God within all life, to see every person of every race and religion as one’s brother and sister.
Portia called for the nations of the world to “come under the law of love” and the religious leaders to “live in the light of harmony and the original intent of the prophets.” She said to those of us in this movement who desire to be used of God to “deliver love and light” to the world that we must work on our own sense of injustice, self-pity, offense. By this self-observation and inner striving to overcome these momentums, we can be of great help in counterbalancing world injustice.
“Hold fast that which you have received of light, of attainment,” Portia said, and be “strong and sure in your resolve to be God in manifestation.”
Click here to access and listen to the complete message from Saint Germain and to participate in this morning’s prayer and rosary service.