America, Awaken to Your Holy Purpose!
On beloved Portia’s merciful heart this morning were the holy people of the island nation of Taiwan. She came with the bodhisattvas of heaven to remind us that thirty-three years ago, Saint Germain warned the earth and America that abandoning the people of Taiwan, abandoning “divine principles of freedom and liberty in order to gain commercial advantage,” would have its karmic consequences.
America has been endowed with the responsibility to defend the light of freedom around the world including this nation. If we do not do this, we can be assured that our own borders will be “up for grabs to those who would steal” that light.
She tells us that the ladies of heaven weave “a sacred garment of fire of golden mesh around the island” as a protective light grid to ensnare any missiles launched from the mainland. She wants us to visualize daily in this time prior to the elections on the 22nd “a great forcefield of light around that island nation.” Each one of us must “be an electrode of light!” We must pray for Taiwan through an ongoing vigil and remember to kneel in prayer every night for them as Saint Germain had told us to do many years ago.
Most importantly, beloved Portia reminds that in order for us to be effective in this mighty spiritual work on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Taiwan, we must look within ourselves and work on transforming our own darkness into light. We must be forgiveness acting on their behalf.
The sponsorhip of America is shaky today, Portia warns. She wants each of us to be determined not to let go, to be true to our calling and our “sacred purpose to save sentient beings,” to remember to anchor light in the earth daily and teach the great teaching of the I AM Presence to all.
“Be the Way, the Truth and the Life with Jesus and Magda!”
“Be the Buddha where you are!”