080225 Portia’s Alchemical Elixirs #6
A New Opportunity to Be the Light of Freedom to the World
Portia comes this morning with a message and teaching on the universality of consciousness and spirit. “When you expand consciousness through presence of mind and heart one with God you have access to the Universal Mind and Spirit of all that is. In order for there to be greater harmony among the nations and peoples of the world, we must “embrace the circle of the Universal One who is God” and “see others as a part of [our] own being and [our] being as a part of all beings.”
Speaking of the reality of light as Self, Portia encourages all to “Live no more as men and women but as Light essences…And through stillness, the glory of your own radiance may then begin to grow and the infusion of love-wisdom within the earth may be complete where you are…In the peace commanding presence of divine love I, Portia, emanate this new opportunity for you today to be who you are, fully.”
At the conclusion of Portia’s HeartStream, the messenger commented that “As we embrace all cultures and peoples through this awareness of universality, it allows us to live in greater presence, acceptance and joy.” To enhance our ability to come into greater presence and stillness, the messenger encourages us to arrive at services 15 minutes early to prepare in silence for the masters’ coming. This will help us to more fully experience the totality of the masters’ awareness and presence within us.
Click here to access and listen to Portia’s entire message and the morning rosary and prayer service.
Image copyright 2008 ntmiller