080313 Saint Germain and Portia’s Alchemical Elixirs #23

A Spiral of Divine Alchemy for Solar Beingness #23

This morning, Saint Germain discoursed on the subject of the internet as a great metaphor for the understanding of our individual connection with Source, our experience in this dimension in time and space on planet earth here and now. Just as with the internet, whatever kind of connection we have, the greater the power and the stream of the connection and the higher level of information coming over that connection, the speedier that information can be downloaded.

Saint Germain told us that “it is the same with your connection with your God Source—the stronger your attention and focus on the reality of who you are, the easier for you to have a daily download of divine inspiration, understanding and the spiritual information that you require to maintain life, balance, harmony and peace in your world.”

Our connection with the internet is a two-way street “as everyday we have the opportunity to enter the stream and allow the great God-stream of conscious awareness and presence to flow through [us] and into [us] and out into the world, and [we] have the ability to contribute something to the greater whole of the Mind of the One.”

This is a key in today’s teaching, “through all that we are receiving, the spiral of divine alchemy for solar beingness is completed through the antahkarana, through the web of life by our attentiveness to the stream of God-awareness that flows through that web, through our sharing, our entering into it, becoming it and maintaining and sustaining the glow of the firings of our connection where we are in our personal solar evolution in beingness.”

Click here to access and listen to Saint Germain’s entire discourse and to participate in this morning’s prayer and rosary service.

Saint Germain’s Alchemical Elixirs

  • Cosmic intelligence is born of awareness of the All within all, for then you will never reprove the Creator’s work but only improve on the outpicturing of your apportionment of Mind.

  • Financial freedom is about beingness above lack and presence outside of desire.

  • Reflecting the full radiance of the Source is your highest work each day.

  • Profound stillness as centeredness in God leads to new levels of solar beingness even for the highest of celestial and cosmic beings.