080301 Saint Germain Alchemical Elixirs #11
A Call to Scientists of the Spirit to Wield the God-Power of
Alchemical Love-Wisdom through the Heart-Mind Connection, Now!
Beloved Saint Germain this morning gives us the “formula of divine light, of radiant joy, of holy love as the means whereby every scientific application of [our] soul’s work may be successful.” As “alchemy is all about process,” and as long as love is within the process, then “the love of [our] effort will last and eventually…the end result will be transmutation into a living awareness of God’s presence where [we] are”—so long as we persevere and daily lay something of ourselves upon the altar, that “place within [our] heart where God may work his work” through us.
Saint Germain shares the story of the mountain climber striving to reach the mountain peak and grasping the ropes left behind by those who have successfully gone before, as analogous to our own striving for God Consciousness under the mentorship of the ascended masters. “…for it is imperative” he says, “that many more among you grasp with great expectancy the import of your personal ascent in the context of how this will be meaningful to many more souls and give them the impetus to also rise.”
Saint Germain ended his remarks as he had begun them, with a call to scientists of the spirit: “Now scientists of the spirit go forth and be victorious in your work and try, try, try until you succeed and win!”
David reminds us that “try” is an acronym for “Theos Rules You.”
A Spiral of Divine Alchemy for Solar Beingness #11
The valiant ones resolve to be initiated into the sacred processes whereby all but God within them is consumed in the alchemical fires of solar beingness.
Love is the one component required in every successful alchemical experiment.
Perfect alchemy comes when you have surrendered the desire for a separate experiment or experience outside of God.
Divine joy is light’s alchemical boon and my secret cosmic catalyst.
Click here to access and listen to the morning rosary and prayer service, which includes Saint Germain’s reading of all twelve of his Alchemical Elixirs, and his complete message.