080328 Newsflash Seventy Thousand Angels' Blessing

May Seventy Thousand Angels Bless You Today

This morning the words of the Masters came to the messenger in the form of a special prayer that we can give for the blessing of all life. The blessing covers from the smallest subatomic particles to the vast reaches of the infinite universes, from the tiniest elementals to all human races and religious expressions. Heartfriends are working right now to make it available on our website. Here are the ending words of the blessing to grace us until then:

"Bless all now with your holy essence, wings of hope and rays of light.

O Raise us to our Solar Presence, seventy thousand angels bright!"

080326 Mother Mary's Discourse for HeartConnections

Five Things You Should Do before 2012 - Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Early in this morning’s session, the masters delivered a teaching regarding our preparation for the times ahead. They shared with us the five most important things that we can do to be ready for the year 2012:

Reconnect with your Source. Through this connection with our Source, God is our total protection and guide. We are sealed in this Allness and are prepared for any contingency, any challenge.

Forgive yourself and others fully. Experience the violet laser light daily. This cleansing by the seventh ray action of the Holy Spirit brings us to a place of perfect joy, a moment-by-moment transformation into beingness.

Befriend the ascended masters. They are our elder brothers and sisters who come to teach and love us. They understand our soul and can accelerate our spiritual growth.

Build community heart by heart. Community multiplies our ability to do the light work essential now. Within the sangha we find safety as long as we know a oneness of spirit. In times of inner or outer distress, we are a support to one another in community.

Plan and prepare. Each heartfriend is responsible, without fear, to prepare for possible turbulent times. Our planning includes the creation of spiritual communities that can sustain their viability through all situations.

Mother Mary’s Discourse

After a time of prayers including the giving of the Rosary of Divine Quintessence, Mother Mary responded to questions from heartfriends present at the Wellspring Retreat. Questions covered the safest places to be in the years ahead; the meaning of “the days being shortened for the elect” and the definition of transfiguration; how we can learn to transmit telepathically; and duality versus oneness of spirit when entering into the act of forgiveness and the transmutation of darkness. The following are highlights from one of Mother Mary’s responses.


Transfiguration should be occurring within us all the time. We can enhance this great action of light by visualizing the sun within the center of every cell and within the center of our being. Over time, the glow in our being, in our aura will increase so that others may even see this light. We will desire less food, and the food we want to partake of is the type that nourishes and balances.

As the transfiguration continues in us, we become such a presence of light, a sun presence, that those around us will receive blessing at some level, even if they do not believe what we believe about God, even if we say not a word. Simply, our auras will emanate this blessing. In fact, all spiritual practices boil down to this—being true to who we really are and being light.

To hear the rest of this teaching on the transfiguration and the entire prayer session, click here.

080325 Discourse on The HC and Eckhart Tolle

The Ascended Masters & Eckhart Tolle

An inspired discourse was given by the messenger David Lewis this morning on the juxtaposition of the core message of the ascended masters through The Hearts Center and the basic concepts being expressed so beautifully by Eckhart Tolle in last night’s worldwide teleseminar with Oprah Winfrey. Tolle spoke of presence, of the I AM and of many other of the inner mysteries taught by the ascended masters to move mankind into higher consciousness. “Tolle’s teaching is important because most of mankind have lost the connection between their soul and Source” and have instead “taken on the ego as the core of their identity” which is clouding over their Real Self.

This reconnection of our soul with Source, of the oneness of all life, is essential if we are to move into the higher vibrations of Aquarius. Many among mankind are feeling “an uneasiness within the soul” providing the impetus for change, for the current shift in consciousness, in diet, in health, in understanding of life itself.

Now Is the Time to Let Go and Let God Live Within Us

The teachings of Mark and Elizabeth Clare Prophet in Climb the Highest Mountain on the nature of the lesser self and the Greater Self are now being brought to greater numbers of people by Eckhart Tolle because now is the time to “shed these coats of skins of the lesser self and evolve into the solar beings who we have always been.” Now is the time for us to move into higher consciousness and into an awareness such that our Higher Self can communicate with the ascended masters where they live, past the physicality of the third dimensional plane where we live.

The Violet Laser Light

An essential component of the Teachings of the Ascended Masters brought forth to mankind by Saint Germain is the Violet Transmuting Flame, and now in its higher frequency as the Violet Laser Light. This light helps individuals transmute “some of these old patterns that keep the mental mind going and keep us acting from that point of reference. If we cleanse, transmute these ancient patterns then it is easier to remain in presence.” The violet light is “an accelerant” that helps us “to accelerate and remain at higher consciousness always.”

David concluded today’s discourse saying, “We need to get more people quickened, awakened, which will aid this process of the solar evolution of the earth to become freedom’s star—a beautiful planet with pure air, pure water, pure land—to bring about a culture of joy, beauty and grace.”

Click here to access this entire discourse and to participate in this morning’s prayer and rosary service.

080324 Mother Mary - I Come To Increase the Fires of the Resurrection within My Own

I Come To Increase the Fires of the Resurrection within My Own

Mother Mary comes this morning to “refresh” the resurrection fires that yet course through us “as [we] have received it…” She takes us to her loving heart and shares very personally with us from her own experience: “For many days I did meditate upon the mystery of the Christos in the absence of my son, and I came to a deeper understanding of the oneness of the spirit that comes even in the absence of the one sent in body, but is still fully manifest even in a greater presence through the essence of that one that remains, and can even increase…I was there at the cross holding as best I could within my heart a flame of protection and support for my beloved son. “And yet this day the resurrection fires flow and I would uplift those in the Far East and in every nation who are literally being crucified in this hour at the hands of those who we yet also forgive as my son forgave…” She tells us that we must have complete surrender and forgiveness for, short of that, we cannot “move into the highest stream of perfection and Solar Beingness.”

Referencing Archangel Zadkiel’s message from Holy Saturday, all are reminded to “take these three weeks to go deep within and to have a greater transmutation of your internal pain, even of the pain body itself, that some of you have identified with in your life, your interactions with others, those who you see have wronged you or in any way reproached your Higher Self—your true reality.” Mary advises us to “take the example of my son and forgive all, for then these words and sticks and stones cannot hurt the true essence of who you are as you are lifted as on angels wings to soar in spirit upon the wings of the beloved.”

We are left with the sweet words of our mother: “my love is ever present for you, my immaculate heart is ever here for you and as you listen to the music of the spheres you will hear my voice singing, you will hear the sound of the angels as their lullabies continue to press upon your soul and heart sweet kisses of God’s love for you.”

Click here to access Mother Mary’s entire message and to participate in this morning’s prayer and rosary service.

080319 Saint Germain Alchemical Elixirs #29

A Journey to the Sun and to the Sun of our Presence

Saint Germain began an intimate discourse this morning by posing this question: “Would you actually be Self-actualized today, I ask? As those in attendance and those participating in their homes looked within to answer this question and another: “What aspect of God would you be today?” and as thoughtful answers were given, Saint Germain affirmed that our statements to him were energized and he saw each of us fully realizing these divine qualities.

He then took us on a deep meditative journey to the Sun. “Enter now the Sun with me as I take you through a new portal to the inner chamber of the heart of Helios and Vesta. If you would be bold, enter the Sun. Feel the pulsation of the constant stream of Solar Beingness. And then see and know how your own God Presence is also an outpicturing of this same Solar Source—and of how each of you can radiate this divine essence 24/7 if you choose. Have you discerned the qualifications to be a celestial being, a cosmic being? And if so what are these now that you are within the Sun and have a direct experience of what this is all about?”

Still in deep meditation, Saint Germain asked us to experience what happens when the Sun breathes in…. “Absorb into your core, the center of your being, the Allness of all that is, the energies of Presence of all those who are. And experience God where you are.”

Bringing us back to Earth, he shared that during this weekend’s Easter Conference we will have the opportunity to partake of the resurrection currents, which he called “preparatory for complete Solar Beingness.” Saint Germain then left us with these words to ponder: “Take each moment to breathe deeply in and out and know that which Jesus knew as he entered the Sun. Each morning may be a new Easter morn for you as you enter the Sun and allow the Sun to be who you are.”

A Spiral of Divine Alchemy for Solar Beingness #29

  • I relish the thought of you as a Self-actualized solar being now.

  • Riveted upon God, the divine alchemist succeeds despite all delusional nonsense purported by the human ego and the shadow self.

  • Enter perfect silence before commanding divine light to manifest in your work.

  • Your intention to manifest your divine nature will ultimately help it be so fully if you match it with a peaceable heart, genuine humility and childlike joy.

  • The goal of these discourses is to increase and stabilize your heart-mind connection so that you’ll be able to fully accept the cosmic gnosis of your own Solar Beingness.

Click here to access and listen to Saint Germain’s complete message this morning and to participate in the morning prayer and rosary service.

080319 Saint Germain Alchemical Elixirs #29

A Journey to the Sun and to the Sun of our Presence

Saint Germain began an intimate discourse this morning by posing this question: “Would you actually be Self-actualized today, I ask? As those in attendance and those participating in their homes looked within to answer this question and another: “What aspect of God would you be today?” and as thoughtful answers were given, Saint Germain affirmed that our statements to him were energized and he saw each of us fully realizing these divine qualities.

He then took us on a deep meditative journey to the Sun. “Enter now the Sun with me as I take you through a new portal to the inner chamber of the heart of Helios and Vesta. If you would be bold, enter the Sun. Feel the pulsation of the constant stream of Solar Beingness. And then see and know how your own God Presence is also an outpicturing of this same Solar Source—and of how each of you can radiate this divine essence 24/7 if you choose. Have you discerned the qualifications to be a celestial being, a cosmic being? And if so what are these now that you are within the Sun and have a direct experience of what this is all about?”

Still in deep meditation, Saint Germain asked us to experience what happens when the Sun breathes in…. “Absorb into your core, the center of your being, the Allness of all that is, the energies of Presence of all those who are. And experience God where you are.”

Bringing us back to Earth, he shared that during this weekend’s Easter Conference we will have the opportunity to partake of the resurrection currents, which he called “preparatory for complete Solar Beingness.” Saint Germain then left us with these words to ponder: “Take each moment to breathe deeply in and out and know that which Jesus knew as he entered the Sun. Each morning may be a new Easter morn for you as you enter the Sun and allow the Sun to be who you are.”

A Spiral of Divine Alchemy for Solar Beingness #29

  • I relish the thought of you as a Self-actualized solar being now.

  • Riveted upon God, the divine alchemist succeeds despite all delusional nonsense purported by the human ego and the shadow self.

  • Enter perfect silence before commanding divine light to manifest in your work.

  • Your intention to manifest your divine nature will ultimately help it be so fully if you match it with a peaceable heart, genuine humility and childlike joy.

  • The goal of these discourses is to increase and stabilize your heart-mind connection so that you’ll be able to fully accept the cosmic gnosis of your own Solar Beingness.

Click here to access and listen to Saint Germain’s complete message this morning and to participate in the morning prayer and rosary service.

080317 Saint Patrick

Life Is a Grand Opportunity for Self Transcendence,

Self-Realization in God

Beloved Saint Patrick chose his feast day “to impress more of the spiritual radiance of solar joy” upon each of us and into our “world for the freedom of God to be in the earth and within his sons and daughters.” He explains the importance of our spiritual work together, telling us of the “many angels and masters and elemental beings and ethereal lifewaves” that participate in supporting our work “for the spiritual upliftment of mankind.” Saint Patrick tells us that our prayer sessions are especially amplified during our quarterly conferences and asks each of us “to come to Montana for this year’s Freedom conference, for as greater numbers of conscious, spiritual practitioners blend their auras and voices in this holy work…the alchemy that takes place “is nothing short of miraculous.”

Saint Patrick shares the evidence that God exists right within the heart—the “magical four-leaf clover” is actually a representation of the heart, with each of the four chambers of the heart working together to nourish and sustain life itself through the pumping of blood throughout the body. Saint Patrick asks us to invert the clover leaf to see how the stem “is actually the connection with [our] Source, [our] God Presence whereby the life-sustaining spiritual energies descend through [our] crystal cord into [our] heart. This connection allows the reigniting of and the continuous beating of [our] heart moment by moment.” The heart is where God lives within us, and the heart is “the point of reality where [we] may experience life in all of its glory, in all of its joy.”

In conclusion, Saint Patrick tells us to continue our prayer vigils, to pray the rosary, to sing our prayers “so that the fullness of [our] heart’s fires are manifest upon many planes of being worlds without end,” and to “Go Green Today!”

080318 Portia Spiral of Solar Beingness #28

There is No Injustice in the World, in the Universe

Coming early this morning, beloved Portia speaks with us of our moving into a new stream of awareness as we allow our Presence to guide us. “Heretofore on your spiritual journey, the involution and the evolution of your soul, you have been in a divergent stream in individuality, living on the periphery of being outside of the circle of life of God’s Solar Beingness. But now that you have this teaching it is up to you what you will make of it in terms of applying all that we [Saint Germain and Portia] have conveyed such that your consciousness one with the Eternal Ones may converge with the great Solar Beingness of God.”

Even on the world scene in the outplaying of events, “each and everyone have a choice to fulfill the inner law of being rather than to accede…to the lesser manifestations of egoic living.” Thus we are asked to pray “for greater consciousness, understanding and presence” to come to the leaders of all nations. We are asked to sing to beloved Hercules, the Elohim of the first ray of God-power, every hour on the hour today, “to magnify the law of God-power on behalf of the righteous in the earth,” to dispel darkness across the earth, and for the light of God-freedom to manifest fully for all.

The key to this teaching today lies in “conscious presence manifesting through our choices.” Portia tells us, “When all justice is outplayed you will see the balancing of the scales both within your own life and within the world itself. All that you can do is work on the within, the inner man of the heart, the inner woman of the soul coming to full fruition in your being.” Our world is where we experience God fully, in the sanctuary of our own heart and soul, thus we are asked not to look outside of ourselves, but to “dig deeper,” and to “cry out for the freedom of every cell and atom of [our] own being first and allow the totality of [our self] to let go of that which is unreal and to embrace the fullness of [our] solar essence.”

Click here to access and listen to all of Portia’s message and to participate in the morning rosary and prayer service.

080313 Saint Germain and Portia’s Alchemical Elixirs #23

A Spiral of Divine Alchemy for Solar Beingness #23

This morning, Saint Germain discoursed on the subject of the internet as a great metaphor for the understanding of our individual connection with Source, our experience in this dimension in time and space on planet earth here and now. Just as with the internet, whatever kind of connection we have, the greater the power and the stream of the connection and the higher level of information coming over that connection, the speedier that information can be downloaded.

Saint Germain told us that “it is the same with your connection with your God Source—the stronger your attention and focus on the reality of who you are, the easier for you to have a daily download of divine inspiration, understanding and the spiritual information that you require to maintain life, balance, harmony and peace in your world.”

Our connection with the internet is a two-way street “as everyday we have the opportunity to enter the stream and allow the great God-stream of conscious awareness and presence to flow through [us] and into [us] and out into the world, and [we] have the ability to contribute something to the greater whole of the Mind of the One.”

This is a key in today’s teaching, “through all that we are receiving, the spiral of divine alchemy for solar beingness is completed through the antahkarana, through the web of life by our attentiveness to the stream of God-awareness that flows through that web, through our sharing, our entering into it, becoming it and maintaining and sustaining the glow of the firings of our connection where we are in our personal solar evolution in beingness.”

Click here to access and listen to Saint Germain’s entire discourse and to participate in this morning’s prayer and rosary service.

Saint Germain’s Alchemical Elixirs

  • Cosmic intelligence is born of awareness of the All within all, for then you will never reprove the Creator’s work but only improve on the outpicturing of your apportionment of Mind.

  • Financial freedom is about beingness above lack and presence outside of desire.

  • Reflecting the full radiance of the Source is your highest work each day.

  • Profound stillness as centeredness in God leads to new levels of solar beingness even for the highest of celestial and cosmic beings.

080312 Portia Newsflash on Taiwan

America, Awaken to Your Holy Purpose!

On beloved Portia’s merciful heart this morning were the holy people of the island nation of Taiwan. She came with the bodhisattvas of heaven to remind us that thirty-three years ago, Saint Germain warned the earth and America that abandoning the people of Taiwan, abandoning “divine principles of freedom and liberty in order to gain commercial advantage,” would have its karmic consequences.

America has been endowed with the responsibility to defend the light of freedom around the world including this nation. If we do not do this, we can be assured that our own borders will be “up for grabs to those who would steal” that light.

She tells us that the ladies of heaven weave “a sacred garment of fire of golden mesh around the island” as a protective light grid to ensnare any missiles launched from the mainland. She wants us to visualize daily in this time prior to the elections on the 22nd “a great forcefield of light around that island nation.” Each one of us must “be an electrode of light!” We must pray for Taiwan through an ongoing vigil and remember to kneel in prayer every night for them as Saint Germain had told us to do many years ago.

Most importantly, beloved Portia reminds that in order for us to be effective in this mighty spiritual work on behalf of our brothers and sisters in Taiwan, we must look within ourselves and work on transforming our own darkness into light. We must be forgiveness acting on their behalf.

The sponsorhip of America is shaky today, Portia warns. She wants each of us to be determined not to let go, to be true to our calling and our “sacred purpose to save sentient beings,” to remember to anchor light in the earth daily and teach the great teaching of the I AM Presence to all.

“Be the Way, the Truth and the Life with Jesus and Magda!”

“Be the Buddha where you are!”

080311 Saint Germain’s Alchemical elixirs #21

A Spiral of Divine Alchemy for Solar Beingness #21

  • Every child is a natural alchemist, but we often remove the inner magic of their imaginations in our current educational system and methodologies.

  • Unleash your internal playful nature by doing something creative each day.

  • Real science is all about practical spirituality and true religion all about divine alchemy.

  • The alchemy of divine love is the highest science.

The Alchemy of Love is the Light of Your Presence Shining Through Your Heart

Our beloved Knight Commander, Saint Germain brought us distilled Springtime with his words today. He said, “The alchemy of love is the light of your Presence shining through your heart. Every prayer, every meditation, every song, every musing upon the divine can flow through this sacred nexus of light which is your contact with both the divine world and the human world in which you now temporarily abide. As the central chakra, the heart is the center of flow as above, so below even within your physical body. The study of the heart is the science that all should partake of from early childhood until the elder years. Mankind must know the science of love and the alchemy of beingness through their hearts.”

The master then spoke of how mankind is rising, in consciousness, into the new stream of the Aquarian love fires and “many more are coming into an understanding of this level of divine joy and grace that comes because hearts are upturned to their God-source, the reality of picture perfect Presence. And so you may understand a new connectedness with spirit because love sings within you a new refrain of divine joy.”

In conclusion, Saint Germain asked us to join him in giving the fiat “Let there be Light!”

080310 A Spiral of Divine Alchemy for Solar Beingness #20

See Yourself This Day Born Anew As a Little Babe or Child

Portia tells us that in this way we can enter the heart of God “as the divine man-child, the fresh new beating heart that may also be [ours] in stillness, in peace and in the silence of the great AUM…” She brings her own divine elixir to us today whereby we may know the essence of our own God identity. Speaking lovingly of our oneness in heart, soul and spirit she says, “I am the Lady Portia and I come to impress new molecules of the spirit within your aura to free you from the sense of bondage in the human and to raise you into the all-pervading light of your great God Self this morning.”

Portia continues, “Each new day is an opportunity to be God in manifestation. And in each moment as you breathe in the essence of the Holy Spirit through your lungs and into your heart there is the enfiring once more of that threefold flame within you that is your contact with the divine world—the essence of who you are as a spiritual being living in these coats of skins.” She reminds us to “take time to appreciate each other, to in some way value, honor and revere [our] fellow brothers and sisters in the way” and to “look upon life with the eyes of God who sees the reality in all… grow in the comfortability of the spirit within your heart whereby your soul may sing new life arising from within you [and] be joyous. And all that is true about yourself is manifest consciously as you move in our great heartstream of love-wisdom to know God, only God.”

Click here to access and listen to Portia’s entire message and to participate in this morning’s prayer and rosary service.

080307 Saint Germain and Portia’s Alchemical elixirs #17

Your God Presence Has Every Ingredient Needed in Your Work and Alchemy

Beloved Saint Germain came this morning continuing his teaching on cosmic science and alchemy. “This day I would have you transgress all human limitation to perceive with new eyes the opportunity to become cosmic alchemists. Your God Presence is the source code for every alchemical experiment. In the computer of God’s mind, the greatest intuitive thinker can lay out an entire grid as the divine program that when accepted and played within leads you to the goal.”

The Master said that, “this day I turn up the heat and the flow through the Bunsen burner of your own solar radiance source to move you into a new stream of cosmic connectivity with that solar light within.” He then asked us if we were happy in our current state of consciousness. If we desired a new level of consciousness then we should go with him, through seventh ray joy into a “new portal into the divine world” which can be accessed only through “heart-centeredness and love.”

“Your God Presence has every ingredient needed in your work and alchemy. Do you require greater funds for your work? Then call it forth and believe that it is manifest in your hands today. You have received every teaching that you require though you forget to apply it in the now with the full intensity of focus that will bring it about. Therefore put aside distractions, wrap yourself in a circle of fire whereby your goal is set before you and fulfill it here, now.”

A Spiral of Divine Alchemy for Solar Beingness #17

  • God’s Mind beingness regulates manvantaric respiration as above so below.

  • A glad heart is a springboard to more fruitful alchemy, for every spiritual experiment is augmented by its infusion of love.

  • Spiritual fellowship between conscious heartfriends in diverse light movements is akin to compassionate communication between all of your body’s systems.

  • Solar beingness is the secret to personal enlightenment and cosmic illumination.


080307 Easter Conference

Easter 2008 at the Wellspring Retreat

March 20-23

Resurrection Spirals Enfold You


Upper Room Teachings Transport You!

Spring equinox—What better place to be at the beginning of this cycle than at Easter Conference 2008 at the Wellspring Retreat?

Holy Thursday. Meru University offers to its students an intimate darshan experience with beloved Jesus and Kuthumi and discourses on adeptship and precipitation. As a re-enactment and more of the disciples’ experience with Jesus in the upper room the night before his crucifixion, the sacred foot-washing ceremony and special Last Supper Holy Communion will transport you in consciousness into the sacred heart of our Lord. Click here for more information and to register.

Good Friday through Easter Sunday. Enjoy a bouquet of teaching on the precipitation of a golden-crystal age economy for ourselves and the planet. Join heartfriends worldwide in creating the fragrance of holy prayer through song, rosary and mantra accelerating this Easter resurrection spiral through the invocation of the green ray of abundance, the gold ray of illumination and the ruby ray of intense love.

Click here to view the entire program for “The Resurrection of a Golden-Crystal Age Economy for America and the World” and to register for this event.

080306 Portia on Injustice

A New Spiral of Cosmic Justice

Today Portia speaks to us of cosmic justice. And she brings with her “a new spiral of divine justice” and tells us that she and Saint Germain see the earth “with new crystals of light by the hand of the conscious ones who work with [her] to balance the scales of justice on earth.”

She reminds us that feelings of injustice within us must go because all we require is ours through our connection with God. Through this connection we live in presence, and then it is not difficult to see God within all life, to see every person of every race and religion as one’s brother and sister.

Portia called for the nations of the world to “come under the law of love” and the religious leaders to “live in the light of harmony and the original intent of the prophets.” She said to those of us in this movement who desire to be used of God to “deliver love and light” to the world that we must work on our own sense of injustice, self-pity, offense. By this self-observation and inner striving to overcome these momentums, we can be of great help in counterbalancing world injustice.

“Hold fast that which you have received of light, of attainment,” Portia said, and be “strong and sure in your resolve to be God in manifestation.”

Click here to access and listen to the complete message from Saint Germain and to participate in this morning’s prayer and rosary service.

080305 Saint Germain’s Alchemical Elixirs #15

A Spiral of Divine Alchemy for Solar Beingness

Today, St. Germain comes with a ruby fire love that initiates each one of us into a higher vision of who we are and a clearer understanding of what we, as alchemists of the spirit, can and must do in the pursuit of freedom. The masters “lay a foundation for centuries to come and this is done with great intention, planning, and purpose in mind.” When the parameters for this divine alchemy come through the messenger, some may feel the urge to rail against the sting of seeming injustice.

In a similar vein, occasionally we may experience a certain friction or conflict among heart friends “for the resolution of ancient conflict” and “victory…over the beast of desire.” However, rather than circumventing the message conveyed, St Germain suggests “It is better, blessed ones, to at times simply be still and know that I am God within you and wait for the effects of the alchemical fires of love-wisdom to work their work upon and through you and then once you have felt the purging and the consuming of something that has been a block even for lifetimes, then in joy you may move forward with the fulfillment of that alchemy and all will be well in the greater context of the work at hand.”

Internal initiations are a sacred process whereby we receive the maps, tools, training and stamina necessary for reaching the pinnacle of our potentiality in God. We must not get stuck - but see the “temporary malaise that has taken grip of us dissolved through the alchemical fires of complete surrender and forgiveness of self and of others, blessed hearts.” For “every lesson learned moves us on to the conclusion of our alchemy of love.”

As always, our master mentor of alchemy leaves us some very practical keys in today’s elixirs. Here are four:

The plight of the embodied bodhisattva of love is to bear the brunt of the return of mankind’s misuse of love which must be mastered to move into Aquarian joy.

Intuiting the source of perceived attacks upon who you are is not as crucial as going within to eliminate the chinks in your armor that allow them an entry to your world.

Pursuing the path of light, alchemists first work to clear all obstacles to its shining within every quarter of self.

Accomplish one goal with complete surrender to all that it requires of givingness and then move swiftly on to your next alchemy.

Click here to access and listen to the complete message from Saint Germain and to participate in this morning’s prayer and rosary service.

080304 El Morya

With God the Impossible is Doable!

Our beloved, El Morya, Chief came early this morning to “infuse the earth with sacred fire and the will of God” and to affirm that “With God the impossible is doable!

The master then spoke of the previous evening’s internet broadcast with Eckhart Tolle and Oprah Winfrey, “Last night you saw the experiment that Portia spoke of whereby hundreds of thousands of souls received the teaching that we, the ascended masters, have seen as essential to come forth upon the earth for the raising of consciousness of all mankind in this hour. And we say that although there were technical difficulties for some of you in seeing and hearing the entire presentation, we say bravo! to those who made this possible.”

He again asked us to secure the Wellspring Retreat for Mother Mary and to come together in various communities, such as Wellspring, Chicago and Arizona, for the fulfillment of The Hearts Center dispensation and the “ancient dream of (our) own souls as well as the vision of Saint Germain.”

El Morya then explained that visuals are so important to some seekers that “they jump for joy and glee when they see and feel the presence of the ascended hosts,” and how important it is for” the messenger to be seen and heard in many more venues” and for videos of the delivery of HeartStreams to be put up daily on the internet. He encouraged all to get involved and also to determine how this teaching might go forth on radio and television. For “when the voice goes forth accompanied by the very visual whereby the eyes can see, even at inner levels, our presence standing over the messenger and delivering the fire of light and energy of transmutation and victory, then these souls are emboldened to join forces with you. . .”

Click here to access and listen to El Morya’s entire message and to participate in the morning rosary and prayer service.


080304 Portia’s Alchemical Elixirs # 14

Opportunity When Taken Leads to the Victory of Freedom

Beloved Portia came quietly after El Morya saying that “Opportunity when taken leads to the victory of freedom. You have heard from the Master M what is necessary for that light of freedom to move quickly in new streams across the earth. Take that opportunity blessed ones, and make it real in your world. For the night cometh when no man can see and there is no more opportunity to fulfill at a certain level of life the divine plan given.” Lady Portia added that while we have mobility, to “take opportunity to fulfill certain assignments and to prepare for all that is coming. Teach your youth, prepare them well and know that the light of God always prevails when you first listen and then obey.”

Portia then commented upon El Morya’s words regarding communities and said that “it is important that you consider the ramifications of all your decisions of how physical support for Mother Mary and her retreat here [at the Wellspring Retreat] is so important and essential that unless we [the ascended masters] have the grounding of the energies through your physical presence then we will not be able to secure fully that which we see as the possibilities, blessed hearts.”


080302 Portia's Alchemical Elixirs #12

The People Have Cried Out for Freedom from the Oppressors

And We Have Heard their Cries and Answered

Today's message from Portia, the Goddess of Opportunity serving on the Karmic Board, was a natural culmination of the preceding ten "Elixirs" released every day since February 20, 2008. It included the drawing of a line in the sands of time: "Thus we give notice this day that those who do not move into the new stream of awareness, of conscious living, of attention upon their God Presence…will be removed first spiritually from their office and then in time from that physical governing office, because they have not attended to the holy will of God through that office and through their decisions, blessed ones."

We Bring Hope for a New World Manifest Through Each One of You

Portia reminded us that our Godhood is here and now available to us and has always been there, even though we have not always realized the essential nature of our "solar reality, the very living Presence of God within." More than three generations ago Saint Germain brought to humanity the gift of the knowledge of the violet light "…so that all could know the very present reality of freedom within." Having moved into the new era of Aquarian love expressed through forgiveness and greater communication heart to heart, we have another opportunity to spiral upward, growing in consciousness by making right choices, by raising our voices in praise, thanksgiving and holy prayer so that "…the entire culture of the earth may be raised into a new awareness of light, understanding and freedom."

We Call You to our Freedom Conference in Montana in July

"Make every effort to come and be here physically, blessed hearts, for that which you receive, the beatitudes of the spirit, the balancing of personal and planetary karma will accrue to your causal body…." As Portia encouraged us to come to the summer's gathering at Big Sky, Montana, Saint Germain stood to deliver to all who would see or hear today's message a compact for us to sign with the hand of our Higher Self, an agreement to utilize the resource of the violet laser light with greater God-determination to transmute infamy and darkness and all forces that seek to steal away that which is real within us.

Then together they said, "We honor who you are…we know that you are trying, are striving…. We thank you for your great hearts of fire, your dedication to your spiritual path and all that you do to serve humanity…." Click here to access and listen to this entire message and to the Sunday service with a darshan for the youth and a wonderful children's story told by Lady Master Nada.

080227 Portia

Be a Fount of Violet Flame Blessing unto All!

A Twenty-Four Hour Healing Dispensation from Portia’s Heart

Beloved Portia comes to anchor light in the Seattle area, all of Washington state as well as the entire West Coast of North America assisting all people in this area to experience an inward moving into greater God-awareness, a rising above human complacency into a life “lived to the glory of God.” She said some on earth are making strides toward this awareness, which must become the norm in the coming age of Aquarius no matter what “the religious persuasion of those who seek the God within.”

The cycle of ages moves on and Jesus, wayshower for the Piscean Age, has “passed the torch” to Saint Germain and herself, Portia, who together have brought “to mankind the next step in the evolutionary process” which is to help them see “freedom as a very present reality of opportunity for victory within their lives.” This opportunity is ours through the gift of the violet transmuting flame.

And for those of us who have been applying this flame of forgiveness for years, Portia opens our understanding to our next step. She tells us to see the violet fire as a “ray of blessing” which must be emanated to the entire earth, caressing all things and people. Every “God bless you!” that we utter is to be saturated with the flame of mercy and freedom. When friends ask us to pray for them, we let this “fount of blessing” flow to meet their need.

In a rallying conclusion, Portia calls for the awakening of America, the I AM Race. She pleads with this great country to remember its mission. She then invokes the seventh ray angels and angels of healing to perform cosmic surgery “to remove something of unwholeness and manifest the completeness of [our] solar beingness” for each of us as we “meditate upon light.” This cosmic surgery will continue for us and all loved ones in need of healing for whom we pray during this twenty-four hour period.

She leaves us dispensing blessing upon blessing in “violet joy light.”

Click here to access Portia’s entire message and the morning rosary service.

080224 Saint Germain's Alchemical Elixirs #5

Practice Makes Perfect. And it Starts in Stillness.
And it Ends in Stillness.

Sunday morning's service from Seattle, Washington was a colorful mosaic of many hearts and hands coming together to share the blessings of living in Presence. On Saturday David Lewis and the Seattle heartfriends had attended a presentation by Eckhart Tolle whose message was one of learning to live in Presence and teaching the practice to others. And in a darshan this weekend, Lanello commented that each of us has something to bring forth and to share. The masters are moving us into a stream of being ready to teach what we are learning from the point of Presence.
One of the heartfriends shared the heart and profound words of the great leader, Chief Seattle. A mother and daughter sang a new song. Another heartfriend taught us of the little-known martial art of Stillness. The masters discoursed on the beauty of the human body, mind, emotions and etheric body all working in consonance with each other and with the Holy Spirit, taking in
prana, purifying and restoring wholeness. "The practice of stillness can be for all of us a great healing technique...From this point of stillness is when God restores our soul."
And then, in the radiance of the stillness that permeated and followed this discoursing, the messenger shared today's twelve "alchemical elixirs" from the Aquarian Master Saint Germain. Here are four of them:

  • Qualifying each breath with the radiance of compassion is the beginning of the gnosis of true love-wisdom.

  • Jesus called to the Great Initiator before each alchemical healing manifestation.

  • I invoke the Master R through total acceptance of his presence where I AM as my teacher and one who has been the great demonstrator of cosmic alchemy for me.

  • Finding your Self within your alchemical work is its underlying purpose.

080301 Saint Germain Alchemical Elixirs #11

A Call to Scientists of the Spirit to Wield the God-Power of

Alchemical Love-Wisdom through the Heart-Mind Connection, Now!

Beloved Saint Germain this morning gives us the “formula of divine light, of radiant joy, of holy love as the means whereby every scientific application of [our] soul’s work may be successful.” As “alchemy is all about process,” and as long as love is within the process, then “the love of [our] effort will last and eventually…the end result will be transmutation into a living awareness of God’s presence where [we] are”—so long as we persevere and daily lay something of ourselves upon the altar, that “place within [our] heart where God may work his work” through us.

Saint Germain shares the story of the mountain climber striving to reach the mountain peak and grasping the ropes left behind by those who have successfully gone before, as analogous to our own striving for God Consciousness under the mentorship of the ascended masters. “…for it is imperative” he says, “that many more among you grasp with great expectancy the import of your personal ascent in the context of how this will be meaningful to many more souls and give them the impetus to also rise.”

Saint Germain ended his remarks as he had begun them, with a call to scientists of the spirit: “Now scientists of the spirit go forth and be victorious in your work and try, try, try until you succeed and win!”

David reminds us that “try” is an acronym for “Theos Rules You.”

A Spiral of Divine Alchemy for Solar Beingness #11

  • The valiant ones resolve to be initiated into the sacred processes whereby all but God within them is consumed in the alchemical fires of solar beingness.

  • Love is the one component required in every successful alchemical experiment.

  • Perfect alchemy comes when you have surrendered the desire for a separate experiment or experience outside of God.

  • Divine joy is light’s alchemical boon and my secret cosmic catalyst.

Click here to access and listen to the morning rosary and prayer service, which includes Saint Germain’s reading of all twelve of his Alchemical Elixirs, and his complete message.

080229 Portia Alchemical Elixirs #10

Leap! Into the Arms of the One God

Embrace Your Real Self as Never Before

Today's early morning "alchemical elixir" from Lady Portia began: "Blessed hearts, there comes a time in your life when you decide that there is nothing else to live for but God. This is your day of freedom—if you make it thus every day from henceforth." She gently explained that when we make the decision to live only for God the light must then emanate from and through us at all times because it is the essential nature of our being. Many of us have listened to this teaching for years and decades but have not fully embraced the concept that God may be fully present where we are and that "…all else is as nothingness."

No matter what transpires around us in terms of others' judgments or opinions, we may remain in the presence of joy, absorbed into the reality of the solar light of our Buddha nature and self-realized. Many of us have sought greater opportunity to bring understanding of the teachings of the ascended masters to the world and to make our calling and election sure through service to life. It is Portia's Word to us today that once we have made the choice to put all else beneath our feet, then the surety of our cosmic connectedness will allow us to "…see clearly, to love all life free, and to always opt through right choice for the greatest means of employing [our] spiritual gifts to benefit souls."

Therefore on this leap year day, Portia has come to extend her blessed hand of opportunity to us all: "The freedom to be and live and move and have your God-Beingness in Solar Light I provide in a greater radiation this day. I am the Lady Portia and with my beloved I emanate new frequencies of spiritual freedom to your soul to always choose to be God. I thank you."

Click here to access and listen to Portia’s entire message and to participate in this morning’s rosary and prayer service.

080226 Lanello

Lanello’s Thirty-fifth Ascension Anniversary Message

A very fiery Lanello came this morning emanating his Christ Consciousness to all mankind on this the anniversary of his ascension in the Light. “I am Lanello and I take this opportunity, as you celebrate the day that I was merged into my own divine essence, to be with my own in the earth and to radiate new levels of solar beingness within you as you are able to receive it and as the sun consciousness of light and fire burns within you. O sons and daughters of mankind, you have heard the ancient story of the coming of the one sent and yet I say this day that you may be that one sent by God to deliver a message of hope to a world.”

As Lanello gave us a clearance and later an initiation, he said, “I come this day to clear all cobwebs within your consciousness that in any way up to this point in your evolution have caused you burdens, a sense of loss, or suffering or lack, for when you embrace the higher principles of truth, light beingness, then you through that vision may see this new opportunity to live, move and have your being within the All Light of the One.”

“Therefore on this thirty-fifth anniversary of my ascent to the heart of God in a victory spiral with Lord Maitreya, I come to initiate you not only as sons and daughters of God, but as full blown Christs if you would have it, if you would be it, if you would truly know it in the intensity of the light of Christos.” Lanello then asked all to “roar” with him as he “impressed upon [us] the leonic fires of courage to be God this day.”

Click here to access and listen to Lanello’s entire message and the morning prayer and rosary service.


080226 Saint Germain’s Alchemical Elixirs #7

A Spiral of Divine Alchemy for Solar Beingness #7

Today’s alchemical elixirs from the heart of Saint Germain are so that we “Make [our] Magic Presence real today!”

  1. Observing violent reactions in nature may give pause to the alchemist to look to those disparate components of self that when improperly mixed may result in mindless emotional outbursts which are self defeating.

  2. Every positive statement of encouragement to one child upon Earth results in the rebirth of an entire civilization on another world in a distant cosmos.

  3. Creative thoughts catalyze cosmic connections between your heart and God’s.

  4. Nourish your inner genius child through heart-mindfulness.

  5. At one time or another every soul has thrived on the spiritual resourcefulness of the lady members of the Karmic Board.

  6. Revelation is the rediscovery of God’s magic story.

Click here to listen to all of Saint Germain’s elixirs for today.

080225 Portia’s Alchemical Elixirs #6

A New Opportunity to Be the Light of Freedom to the World

Portia comes this morning with a message and teaching on the universality of consciousness and spirit. “When you expand consciousness through presence of mind and heart one with God you have access to the Universal Mind and Spirit of all that is. In order for there to be greater harmony among the nations and peoples of the world, we must “embrace the circle of the Universal One who is God” and “see others as a part of [our] own being and [our] being as a part of all beings.”

Speaking of the reality of light as Self, Portia encourages all to “Live no more as men and women but as Light essences…And through stillness, the glory of your own radiance may then begin to grow and the infusion of love-wisdom within the earth may be complete where you are…In the peace commanding presence of divine love I, Portia, emanate this new opportunity for you today to be who you are, fully.”

At the conclusion of Portia’s HeartStream, the messenger commented that “As we embrace all cultures and peoples through this awareness of universality, it allows us to live in greater presence, acceptance and joy.” To enhance our ability to come into greater presence and stillness, the messenger encourages us to arrive at services 15 minutes early to prepare in silence for the masters’ coming. This will help us to more fully experience the totality of the masters’ awareness and presence within us.

Click here to access and listen to Portia’s entire message and the morning rosary and prayer service.

Image copyright 2008 ntmiller

080223 Portia Alchemical Elixirs #4

The Universe is a Grand Experiment within the Laboratory of God’s Consciousness

This morning beloved Portia tells us that within the laboratory of God’s consciousness the ascended masters one with God “continually perform sacred alchemical experiments whereby the universe is expanded, the consciousness of sons and daughters of God is raised and mankind may enter into a greater understanding of the law of love.” Through “the elixir of love of [our] own heart raised to God” and our voice raised in violet laser light prayers, mantras and songs, we also may enter into these “alchemical works.” Our daily and monthly vigils create substations of the spirit and a network of light that empower souls to rise in higher consciousness and “have available through their Higher Self delivered to their outer mind, the teaching, the contact and the way out of their human dilemma into the divine experience of oneness with God.”

One of these great experiments of the spirit is about to take place in the delivering of the “divine teaching” of Eckhart Tolle with Oprah Winfrey to hundreds of thousands of souls. Portia urges “all of [us] to take part both through [our] prayers and visualizations and [our] active participation.” The masters will “utilize every lightbearer who will participate in this drama to bring the connectivity with God-consciousness into their homes and communities and nations.”

These sacred events and divine experiments in the plans of the ascended masters are for the bringing in the age of Aquarius into physical manifestation upon earth, “whereby every man, woman and child may know God within, have an understanding of cosmic law and move forward in the evolutionary plan of the earth itself….” A great key in this plan is that which Saint Germain spoke of yesterday, “to fully bring about radical forgiveness at all levels of [our] own being and unto those who have wronged [us] and to whom [we] have wronged.”

Click here to listen to the replay of Saint Germain’s comments yesterday and Portia’s message this morning. You will also be able to participate in the morning prayer and rosary services.