Five Things You Should Do before 2012 - Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Early in this morning’s session, the masters delivered a teaching regarding our preparation for the times ahead. They shared with us the five most important things that we can do to be ready for the year 2012:
Reconnect with your Source. Through this connection with our Source, God is our total protection and guide. We are sealed in this Allness and are prepared for any contingency, any challenge.
Forgive yourself and others fully. Experience the violet laser light daily. This cleansing by the seventh ray action of the Holy Spirit brings us to a place of perfect joy, a moment-by-moment transformation into beingness.
Befriend the ascended masters. They are our elder brothers and sisters who come to teach and love us. They understand our soul and can accelerate our spiritual growth.
Build community heart by heart. Community multiplies our ability to do the light work essential now. Within the sangha we find safety as long as we know a oneness of spirit. In times of inner or outer distress, we are a support to one another in community.
Plan and prepare. Each heartfriend is responsible, without fear, to prepare for possible turbulent times. Our planning includes the creation of spiritual communities that can sustain their viability through all situations.
Mother Mary’s Discourse
fter a time of prayers including the giving of the Rosary of Divine Quintessence, Mother Mary responded to questions from heartfriends present at the Wellspring Retreat. Questions covered the safest places to be in the years ahead; the meaning of “the days being shortened for the elect” and the definition of transfiguration; how we can learn to transmit telepathically; and duality versus oneness of spirit when entering into the act of forgiveness and the transmutation of darkness. The following are highlights from one of Mother Mary’s responses.
Transfiguration should be occurring within us all the time. We can enhance this great action of light by visualizing the sun within the center of every cell and within the center of our being. Over time, the glow in our being, in our aura will increase so that others may even see this light. We will desire less food, and the food we want to partake of is the type that nourishes and balances.
As the transfiguration continues in us, we become such a presence of light, a sun presence, that those around us will receive blessing at some level, even if they do not believe what we believe about God, even if we say not a word. Simply, our auras will emanate this blessing. In fact, all spiritual practices boil down to this—being true to who we really are and being light.
To hear the rest of this teaching on the transfiguration and the entire prayer session, click here.