Leaving Trails of Love Fires upon the Snows of Scandinavia
* * * I am Saint Germain and I am pleased with the word that has been sent forth through your hearts, voice and chakras unto this land and al lands within this continent of Europe! In joy and gratitude and enthusiasm, Saint Germain applauded each one for their fiery determination in sending out violet flame and other prayers for all of Europe this evening in Sweden. Saint Germain gave the vision of how much was accomplished by elementals and angels and ascended masters in response to this vigil, and asked all to perform this same alchemy of the heart regularly, saying “this is truly what I envisioned when I released the dispensation of the violet fire through Godfre over 70 years ago.”
* * * Saint Germain will remain with “those who are true to God day-by day, here in Scandinavia”, and he will walk across the soil, calling hearts unto their God for a 70 day period. During this period, he asked that many continue to gather as often as they desire to see “what we can do for Scandinavia and all of Europe. For we will deliver the light from the North across all of the European continent, showering down into each hamlet, home and hearth the light of the violet fire for the transmutation of all that is less than God-perfection, and for the alchemy of the spirit to change a world from one of human struggle to one of divine [embrace].”
* * * Sanat Kumara and Lady Venus came with tangible love for each one this evening, in a dispensation for the merging for one hour with the heart of each one’s twin flame as a remembrance of “your hearts love for the beloved in the beginning of how you were sent forth from the heart of the Father-Mother God to evolve, to experience life and then to eventually once more merge as one in to the Heart of God.” Many friends from Venus and twin flame then stood in a circle of fire around the home all of Europe “blazing forth light rays of pink and ruby fire for the transmutation of all that is anti-love within the hearts and minds of men and women.”
* * * They fanned the flame within our hearts more brightly, with the admonition that “if you can sustain it, it will be a permanent increase in your three-fold flame. . .this will mean. . .greater access to the love fires of heaven. . .for some give you the edge towards your victory that is needed in the coming months and years.”
* * * All were given a tiny pink and ruby ribbon tied around their index finger as a remembrance of our vows, of our calling, of our oneness and of our purpose to be Sons and Daughters of the Most High God.