Lord Gautama comes to tell his students: Go Be for All the Buddha, the Light, the Lamp. Emanate! Radiate! Fulfill Your Reason for Being!
* * * Gautama came to give us entrée to his heart in this hour. He spoke of the blessing for the entire planet from the coming of Sanat Kumara, his mentor with Lady Venus, to Scandanavia. He said he was still almost reeling in the thrill of their magnificence and their great love for humanity.
* * * The gift that Gautama brought to us today was an acceleration of the crystal jewel, a diadem of fire that is placed in a band of the memory body when one chooses to descend to earth for the saving of sentient beings. It is given as a token, a reminder of the point of God Reality from whence that one has come. From this point of the God Ideal, now accelerated within the mind and memory body, great quantities of fire may be drawn. For this crystal is a capsulation of the jewels of all the buddhas and bodhisattvas compressed into a seed of cosmic fire within.
* * * He asked us to think on being on earth but not of the earth, vibrating slightly above the physical plane, retaining the cosmic remembrance of being. There is a quickening in the minds of many of the remembrance of this path. We have access to much of the pathway of light home. There are many roads, yet the one path within is lighted by the cosmic fire of heaven of each one who has become a sun presence for the earth.
* * * Precious Gautama’s final act today: “I emanate now within all mankind the light of cosmic reason, each one’s reason for being here. The essential nature, the Buddha nature is now fully ensconced within that one. Go be for all the Buddha, the light, the lamp. Emanate! Radiate! Fulfill your reason for being!