We are asked to enter into an understanding as to the way Mother Mary’s healing retreat at Wellspring is to outpicture. It is suggested that our meditation upon the many healing thoughtforms and healing matrices that we have been given by the masters will facilitate in its creation.
To complete this teaching, a powerful and passionate prayer is offered for the physical healing of all servitors, partners and heartfriends—those whose names are listed in our prayer chalice and all family, friends, associates that we are able to name. We are asked to raise our hands and see emerald laser light emanating from our secret ray chakras to all whom we know who need healing, seeing cosmic vibrating emerald eggs going forth not only to surround but enter the bodies, the blood streams of all in need of physical healing. After this action, beloved Cyclopea gathers these healing eggs into a basket where they are sealed.
We extend our great gratitude to beloved Hilarion for his teaching and assistance in our healing this morning which we accept in total faith for ourselves and all heartfriends everywhere.