07/02/18 El Morya

El Morya’s Call to Spiritual Arms
for America and the World

A Forty-day Vigil for Cosmic Freedom

El Morya came this morning during the rosary in Stelle, Illinois.

Standing “in full battle gear” in the heartland of America and in Washington, D.C., he announced that he had come on behalf of the Saint Germain. He invoked thousands of legions of angels from the heart of the Great Central Sun to defend this nation.

He said the American people have spoken and he comes in answer to their cries for and on behalf of their sons and daughters who have been put in harm’s way. The only way out of the current dilemna is through the eye of the will of God, he said, adding that the eye of that will must blaze forth from each of us with a greater intensity and focus. When that will is manifest through our vision, rising from our voice to bring forth the action of cosmic vision, then the hosts of the Lord may act.

The Congress and the President have not given the American people a clear vision of a way out, so El Morya is here to show a way out, which is through prayer and the intensity of his fire, which may be our own if we so desire. He said we had called forth his fire and he was honoring our requests by giving us his fire.

The American people must come to know this way of “prayer and supplication to the All-seeing Eye and the One God” so that their deliverance may come from the hosts of the Lord. He called for a forty-day vigil starting today and asked that we call during this vigil to the will of God and Cyclopea for the exposure of what is occurring at all levels and planes of consciousness within the governments and nations of the world. He said we should “call forth that cosmic vision to give a new spin, a cosmic spin of cosmic fire unto the vision for this nation and her people.”

El Morya warned our government’s leaders that they must work together as one and not shirk their responsibility to the people they represent. He called to all lightbearers to take up spiritual arms with him every evening if we can and pray without ceasing, giving fiats and calls throughout the day.

Our beloved El Morya leads us in battle this day and every day unto the victory!