These were the final words of Lanello today as the Meru University class “A Touch of Venus” concluded with a service in honor of Lanello’s Ascension Day, February 26th. Tom Miller was the instructor for the class and had created a wonderful musical and visual tribute to Lanello which was given in preparation for his dictation.
Prior to the tribute there were stories told about Mark Prophet. And as is always the case when these stories are told, a great love for this incomparable, ever-present Master welled up in all. As song #40.003 “I Have the Strength of Ten” was being sung, Celeste Miller recalled how Mark Prophet used to love to jump up and down on the podium. She knew he was loving the song and truly must be jumping up and down. Led by Maria Mins, the song’s composer, the song was sung again with great gusto, complete with beating of hearts and roooooaring with the refrain, “Magnanimous, my heart expands.”
In the invocation prior to the session, the Messenger David Lewis had asked for Lanello to enfire us with his love in order that we may use our resources wisely to be servant-leaders and shepherds of the people, guided by Divine Vision. He spoke to Lanello as the masterful man, the God man who exemplified leadership so well for all of us. He called for a double portion of Lanello’s mantle to be upon us.
The sails were thus set for tremendous assistance to come forth through his dictation today. The highlight for many was when Tom Miller was called to come forward. Referring to Tom’s music and visual artwork, he said, “What a glory to behold what can be created in this world by a heart attuned to love.” For his humility and striving, for his attentiveness to the Word and, most importantly, for his love, he was anointed as a Cosmic Servitor on behalf of the Great White Brotherhood in all time to come. He was charged with the light of God’s power, wisdom and love for the fulfillment of his mission and the victory of his lifestream in his final embodiment upon earth.
Here is a simple enumeration of other examples of the help extended to all:
“We light the torch anew and pass it tangibly to you, each one, if you would take it and run the good race with us.”
“Feel the firm grip of my handshake and my request of you to follow the star that we have set as the example before you, not as only messengers and teachers, but as true friends on whom you can rely---to whom you can call at any hour of the day or night. Think of this. Do you have friends, even now, who will come to your aid in the middle of the night when you are undergoing the duress of a nightmarish predicament? We are there instantly, beloved ones. And this we do gratefully because of heart ties to you.”
“The cyclings of God’s consciousness through my being, I now extend to you. And the radiance of the glow of the corona of your own heart I now amplify in greater measure this day, because you have decided to be globules of love for mankind.”
“There are initiations and there are initiations, and at times we come to accelerate the fire within your chakras, your aura and even within your higher bodies such that you will have the impetus to fulfill your greater mission on behalf of all life.”
Our newsflash will conclude with the words that were filled with the immeasureable tenderness of the Buddha-Father Lanello. “Oh, how the hush of the Mother’s love for her own is here once again, whispering to you her eternal longing for your return to her heart.”