The Great Divine Director releases
a seed of God-Power to the earth today!
The Great Divine Director, seeing the quality of our hearts and using the energies we have been invoking, wrapped us in an aspect of his cape of fire and gave us a belt of cosmic jewelry that we may wear for the victory of our final ascent in this life.
He noted that in our cascading vigils the light flows forth from our centers to impregnate the earth with the cosmic distillation of God-Power. He then proclaimed, “In this hour I release a seed of God-Power from my causal body creating a new pattern which the evolutions upon earth may tap into for their victory, blessed ones.” Noting that many cosmic beings and masters seed the earth with their love-wisdom, he told us that we could do the same as we attune to the cosmic fire-substance they bear and invoke their love and presence.
We must bring forth our gifts and use the resources the masters give to us as we tap into the creativity of our own causal bodies. In order for the Aquarian Age to manifest, we must have what the masters have released to us already, set forth in understandable packages, for the liberation of souls and laying the foundation for the education of spirituality for the children that are coming. He called this and the establishing of Meru Learning Centers a most crucial Labor of Hercules, for the bridging of the gap between what the Buddhas and bodhisattvas of wisdom desire to bring forth for future generations.
The Great Divine Director tells us we can walk and talk with the masters now! They can lower their vibration only as low as the etheric level. It is up to us to rise in consciousness to our own God-estate to attune and commune with them. Day by day, this should be our goal.
“Attune to this blue-flame power that I bring and know the essential protection that we offer, moment by moment, blessed ones…This is my message of today: I empower you once again as sons and daughters of God in your own right….to be who you are as God-free beings….I see you shining, shining, shining in the new blue fire of Morya and of the God Star and I say “I am grateful for you, blessed ones. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”