Only in Complete Givingness Can the All of God be Yours
***The Nameless One from out the Great Silence comes today to allow us to access the heart of God through simplicity and kindness. He praises Ekhart Tolle’s teaching, read during the morning rosary, regarding the holding of the vision for ourselves of being the conduit of God’s energy blessing all at all times. To hold this measure of light energy within our auras requires the discipline of daily engaging in times of silence and devotion.
***Today, for those who have surrendered the last vestiges of self, God gives his very Self. Only as we enter into “the sacred space of perfectionment” in the heart of the One, may we have access to all power, wisdom and love within that heart. The Nameless One tells us to strive after that which the Lord does bestow because our every thought, word and deed is to please the One, the All in All. He wants us to know that he has remained nameless because he sought no fame or glory or honor. And yet, his spirit abides within the very heart of the One within All because he has become that All through stillness.
***When we live in honor, one with God’s manifestation, then integrity becomes our identity. There is no duality when we are aligned with holy purpose, for we are at the center of being at all times. This is the cosmic equipoise that the masters and heavenly beings experience always. And we can know it as well through this completeness in his Presence where “all is clear, all is real, all is light.” He seals us in crystal for our victory which is happening now.