070819 St. Germain

Saint Germain Delivers a Thrust of Freedom’s Light into the Nation’s Heart Chakra

Beloved Saint Germain came to last night's Freedom service in Chicago with an unannounced, impelling release of great light. This fiery-hearted Master proclaimed that every man, woman and child would feel the impulse of spiritual freedom that he brought. “I use the auras of those who are dedicated to this mission and this light in our center close to the great city of Chicago.” He had received a dispensation of grace from the Lords of Karma for the replenishment of reservoirs of light that are filled during the various prayer services of devotees. These reservoirs are spiritual forcefields that can be used for the transmutation of certain dangerous conditions of the mass consciousness where “moving pools of anger and hatred and the misuse of the emotional bodies of the people create a problem for us in our work to raise the consciousness of mankind.” These astral seas form giant clouds of darkness and evil that are often tapped into when great storms and intense weather conditions arise, causing great damage to life.

Since these mass pools of astral darkness can also be wielded against lightbearers to tempt them to leave off of the disciplines of the spirit or to engage in certain activities, Saint Germain impressed upon us the importance of our weekly Saturday evening Freedom Services and the monthly weekend vigils. “You have all, at one time or another, been party to the effects of these astral pools…which have overtaken you and knocked you for a loop, and made you ill or clouded your minds to think again as mortals rather than the divine beings that you are.” Our services give us a spiritual boost and impetus of light from higher octaves to help us keep on keeping on working for good and passing our tests.

Thus we work together to bring about world transmutation “…for, blessed ones, this sacred alchemy always begins with you.” Tending the altars of our hearts in our decree and prayer services enables us to become the anchor points through which the divine world may gain entrée to our dimension. And then the action that can be accomplished “is geometrized by a divine factor and quotient of spiritual light that is truly stupendous!”

I come now to activate, by the power of a cosmic factor, the light energies you have thus far invoked since our Freedom Conference in Bozeman” for the protection of the people, the borders, the economy. And by the authority of the Lord of the World and legions of Zadkiel and Amethyst, he also called for the protection of the messengers in heaven and on earth, “…for they are our vessels for the release of this fire and of the very Word of the Lord.”

And I say that those who would decry their stand for the light of Morya and of me and of any master now receive the return current of their misqualified energies, multiplied by the action of the mercy of the law of their own being.”

Reminding us that the law of love was immutable and exact, “… all must come to terms with their own use or misuse of the light.” Thus he came for the saving of certain ones and for the judgment of certain others who must choose to serve the light or else know the consequences. “And this word is for many, both in your government, on Wall Street, in the banking institutions and in business” for God is no respecter of persons and “there is no getting around who you are in the sight of God, for God’s vision is pure and holy.”

Then he told us to sing and dance and move and bask in the light of the angels of Freedom and Justice and “…know that the Four Horsemen do ride this night and they thrust their sickles and their scythes into the fields of mankind’s consciousness and reap the light for greater light and the darkness for greater darkness.” As this harvesting of the wheat and burning of the tares proceeds, he admonished, "Thus, watch your thoughts! Watch your feelings! Watch what flows through your consciousness and look upon your Presence and live as God-free beings with Portia and me, blessed ones!”

He finished with a joyous announcement what he was placing an electrode of fire of the violet laser light in Chicago for the freeing of a certain twenty souls to be contacted to come to the New Year’s Conference which will be in Chicago. “Compel them to come home to my heart! …and they shall know my Presence and my love for them, blessed ones.” Then with focused attention upon all of us who hear his words, he concluded his fiery message: “I seal you in the light of cosmic freedom and impel you higher! Higher! HIGHER!”