Beloved Babaji: Become the Light of the Mother!

HeartStream from June 30, 2007

Beloved Babaji came with a message from the Lord Krishna who wanted us to know of his gratitude for our progress in becoming the Word “at a certain level”. He wanted us to know that the need of the hour is that we also become the light of the Mother. And he came to magnify the presence of the Mother Light because of our dedication to the light of Mother—East and West—through the giving of our rosaries. Babaji with other unascended masters were present during that day of our Freedom Conference to bless us and be witnesses to the light of the Mother in the earth, reminding us of their bodhisattva vow to remain with us all the way to our own victory.

We are transcending cycles and approaching a greater God-realization! Babaji told us that our progress as God in manifestation is getting us to the place “that all that transpires within your being and world in the action of the secret rays” is an aspect of the light of the Mother. The action of the secret rays has been known for eons in the East, brought to the West by Babaji’s disciples. Without the receptacle of the Mother present upon earth through the action of the secret rays that we have invoked through the Golden Buddha Rosary, Alpha’s coming could not occur without great upheaval upon the planet. Also in preparation for the coming of beloved Alpha, Babaji and “the fiery ones from the East” assisted in our personal preparation.

Kneel before God and surrender past misuses of the light of the Mother. Babaji told us of the importance of each one calling upon the mercy of God to be forgiven and be stripped of “certain vestiges of ancient karmas of the misuse of the light of the Mother”. He told us to come to a point of surrender, offering all non-reality in our being to the heart of the Mother. This cosmic surrender is the way to cosmic consciousness. Remember Job who surrendered all—all “unconsciousness, all lack of beingness”. He now resides in the highest “nirvanic planes” of that cosmic consciousness.

Drink in the light of the Sun and be where God is even here on earth!” Babaji told us of the important teaching on sun-gazing as shared by a teacher who would be present at our conference and through the teachings of beloved Omraam and of Ikhnaton. We worship as Iknhaton did “the light of the Sun behind the sun”. Babaji stressed our acceptance that we may be where God is as we walk this earth as long as we attune to God’s heartbeat, allowing that stream of the energies of the Holy Spirit to flow into our lives. We decide how much we open the valve of this flow into our worlds.

Turn up the heat! If we desire a more intense relationship with our Solar Presence, it is our job to “match that heat through inner fervor”—such a fiery fervor for God! He reminds us that Krishna, Issa, Gautama, Maitreya, Kuan Yin, Joviel—all are One in the Mother Light. In closing, Babaji lovingly called to the Mothers—Durga, MaRay, Kuan Shi Yin to bless us “unto the day of the full appearing of the Shekinah glory” within us! And before he departed he raised us with his own z-ray to the “zenith of the star” our own God-being.