0708012 Omraam

A Gift of Light Brought Forth and Shared by a Heartfriend in Arizona

True to the day’s name of Sunday, our family teaching service today from Tucson, Arizona was an inspiring and informative presentation about the sun. The presenter, Wayne Purdin, traced for us how these ancient mystery teachings on the sun have been preserved and passed down since the time of Atlantis by priests and adepts of the sacred fire. These teachings include how to contact the Solar Presence, the spiritual Sun behind the sun, and how to expand the sun in our hearts through sungazing and using the spoken word. These practices were embraced and taught by the Brotherhood through various embodiments of Serapis Bey, Kuthumi, Lanello, Lord Ling, Jesus, Hilarion, Omraam and others. Until the 1930s, they were given only to initiates of mystery schools at Luxor, Heliopolis, Alexandria, Crotona and elsewhere. Now in this age of Aqaurius these teachings are more freely given and the masters are continuing to reveal the mysteries of the sun. The reason for giving us this understanding has remained the same throughout all the ages―that we may become suns of God and radiate God's love and wisdom to all.

Your Solar Presence is Here and Now

After the presentation, the Messenger expressed his gratitude and together we gave prayers to Maitreya and Omraam. Then the Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov began his Heartstream to us, “In gratitude to the sun, I am come and I emanate the light of the sun from within you.” He came “…to impress within the very cells” of our beings the acceptance of this true teaching which we can share from heart to heart in order that “…a new world may dawn through each one who has become the sun.”

Can you imagine a world of thousands and millions of suns of God who have become fully present through identification with the sun source?” He asked us to not only imagine it in our waking consciousness but to go forth and make it a reality throughout the days and nights of our experience in the physical. “There is something special about the dawn. For the new light of a new day is brought forth each time you gaze upon the solar disc and receive a higher level of light than what you had experienced the day before.” He urged us to remember that the goal of the sungazing practice is for us to so fully identify with the light of Helios and Vesta that we will experience being a sun in our own right, issuing forth and emanating day by day the solar light of our own God Presence.

All life is one through this process of self-identification with the source.” When we allow the light to be fully where we are, “…then through the cosmic connection heart to heart and…the greater connectedness of all suns of God everywhere, there is the empowerment of the great cosmic grid and life is raised, blessed ones.” And just as the sun does revolve around its own axis and is itself hurtling in space around the Great Central Sun, so he sees abuilding through our Hearts Centers the connectivity that he called for many years ago in the request for 80 centers of light in the United States.

We must have the reconnection with our own source first and second with each other and then we will have the molding of our hearts through Presence which brings the flow of exactly what is needed in all dimensions and planes of being. It brings the full complement of God’s creativity through all sons and daughters, just “…as it was meant to be. If one or another Hearts Center were to spin off as a separate identity, it would lose the very essence of its purpose, blessed ones.”

Referring to the morning’s presentation, he said that each of us has something to share just “…as my son has shared this day in great measure.” He pointed out that when we tap into the universal stream of our own God-source, we can realize the full potential of our innate godhood and “…manifest the works of wisdom, love and the power that will flow through the cosmic grid of Self.”

"As you perceive with the eyes of the sun, whose eyes are upon you, you see, when you gaze upon the source, did you think that only your eyes were trained upon the sun? Well I say that the eyes, the cosmic rays flowing through those eyes of Helios and Vesta, are also trained upon you. And as you gaze upon the source, the very beingness of God in that perfect vision of who you are, does flow through the empowerment of the rays that you drink in in your meditation, blessed hearts.” He shared that he had perceived this mystery long ago and he gave us this encouragement: “Let this divine experience of the reconnection with source begin anew through you for your full healing, for your full beingness, for your oneness as Above, so below, with all that is alive.”

Finally he blessed all who look to him for the teaching of the sun and he said, “Now widen the circle of our community. Form those Hearts Centers and let the Aquarian Rider ride, so that this earth may be Heaven , come through all who are one with God.”

You will find the full version of Wayne Purdin’s presentation Mysteries of the Sun by visiting his website at Mysteries of the Sun. The URL is: http://www.angelfire.com/moon2/isisaz/mysteries.html
