070813 Hilarion
I Come for the Holy Purpose of Infusing My Presence
Where You Are for the Victory of Your Soul
Radiating his love fire through us this morning, beloved Hilarion came to consume that within us, through free will, “that has allowed though unconsciousness, aspects of the dweller to take up their abode within” us. Hilarion defined the dweller, the not-self as “a conglomeration of that which [we] have woven around the central core of being through many lifetimes,” and that part of ourselves that does not amplify the light of our intention, but instead attempts to dissuade us from fulfilling that which we have set forth to accomplish. The dweller works through the “sly machinations of the perversion of the mental mind and the mind of Christ,” and will convince us “that a certain course in [our] life, or a certain thing that [we] must do is the way, when in fact, it may carry [us] far beyond into the nether world where thou wouldst not go if thou would have immortality.”
Keys for Confronting the Dweller
Whether we choose steely determination to slay the dweller or full acceptance of our Buddha Nature to allow the dweller to slough off is something with which each of us needs to come to terms. “Being aware of that darkness within that does come at times to tempt you, you can
• Call a spade a spade
• Place your feet firmly upon the earth
• Use the earth-touching mudra, and also
• Cast out that one satan or serpent,
• And say ‘Get thee behind me, for I am a son [a daughter] of God and nothing will any longer stand in my way to fulfill the law of Being.’”
Hilarion further tells us that “the key to the casting out of this dweller is the permanent fixture within your being of the five-pointed star of conscious awareness through the employment of those secret rays within your being. For only through discernment in the five levels, the five planes of higher consciousness, will you know exactly when the serpent has arisen and reared his head, and when you must take the sword and sever that head so that no more may it speak or use your own forcefield, your own light to continue to propagate itself within your own consciousness.” This spiritual sword of which Hilarion speaks is not used for selfish purposes “or to slay anyone or anything, except the not self of being.”
Hilarion’s goal is to Refine Us Through the Emerald Crystal Matrix of Light
Radiating the crystal emerald light within the five secret ray chakras of our being, Hilarion accelerated “through cosmic consciousness the action of that light for [our] greater attunement, focus and determination to fulfill the law of being.” We are told that each one of us within this movement of light of The Hearts Center is meant to be a crystal sun, refined in the refiner’s fire of the master jeweler, to be “anchor points of great cosmic consciousness for the earth. The level to which you are able to hold and sustain these frequencies. . .to maintain your harmony, your love and the greater light that you came to earth to employ, then you will be given greater initiations.” The key is to be free of the dweller so that in its place is the God-dweller of our God-being fully resident within us.
European Pilgrimage
Hilarion commented that because of the sacrifice, surrender, selflessness and service of all those who will be a part of the European pilgrimage, all will “receive something of that Spirit in greater measure. . .both before, during and after the sacred journey to my home of light at Crete.” Even now, he and the Angels of the Emerald Ray are preparing for this sacred journey, “for we know every step that you will take, every place that you will visit, and we will ensconce in the very molecules of the earth where you will abide, the essence of the frequencies of our love and light in the healing radiance of the emerald ray, such that you will never be the same, having walked in our aura, in our love, blessed hearts.”
Take up Our Crystal Sword
The work of the Spirit is for the soul freedom of each man, woman and child born of God to return to the “heart of the Father/Mother as true co-creators, sentient, super-sentient ones who understand the nature of the cosmos of Light, of the sound of the Om, the music of the spheres, and the divine science of beingness.” Together, we will be victorious in the army of the Spirit, and so Hilarion asks each of us to take up and wield our crystal sword with him for the Mother, for her light and for the holy purpose of Love.