070809 Morya,Maitreya,Justinius

I Cleanse and Wash You with the Mother Light

With beautiful Eastern flute music in the background, Lord Maitreya came this morning coupled with the light of the Mother, to wash us clean in the love/wisdom of the sacred fire. Leaping and dancing around us, the sacred fire was for the consuming of the last vestiges of our karma that we are releasing from our unreal self. When in the presence of the Mother we were told, no longer will the “energies of the dust of humanity and unconsciousness” linger upon us.
As the music continued to be played, Maitreya called to our souls to dance in Mother’s love. “O Ishvara, O Lakshmi, O Durga,” he called, “caress these and seal them in light.”

Darshan with El Morya

With his tremendous clarity and depth of understanding, El Morya this morning answered the question “Why do bad things happen to good people?” This question had been posed, though there wasn’t time to answer it, during this past Sunday’s Youth Darshan.
“In this dimension what may appear to be bad or unjust, if you could perceive from our eyes. . .is simply the outplaying of what must occur within your dimension, point of reference and plane of being, in order for the scales of justice to be balanced. . . .What you perceive as a calamity that may come upon you or another who are good people, is the outplaying of past choices coming to full resolution through the circle or law of karma for the completion of that circle, such that the soul may learn the lesson of life, of the use of free will, of the impact of all decisions and the use of all energies upon other lifestreams and upon the One, so that cosmic harmony may ensue through right choice, through the return to wholeness.”
“All is just according to the will of God and the karmic accounting for each lifestream.” We are told that this is so wherever dire circumstances occur. Thus, Morya tells us “Praise God even in your darkest night and you will win the test of Job; you will pass the initiation of the stripping of your garments. Never cursing God, but always praising the mighty I AM THAT I AM for all that comes. This is the word and the law of the saints who trust God and his law and the law of being within the One.”

Darshan with Justinius, Captain of Seraphic Bands

Justinius completed his answer to the youth question this past Sunday regarding the Nine Choirs of Angels this morning, with a discussion of the Virtues. “The angelic Virtues are those who hold the key to the highest aspect of each virtue, divine and human, for mankind to outpicture. They vibrate at a very high level of being, as cosmic angles of God’s consciousness, focalizing the full interplay of each virtue. . . .When mankind seek to be holy and to outpicture something of God’s spirit and consciousness, the Virtues come to lend their momentum, their light.”
We can ask each day to outpicture these virtues or God-qualities. We can say “Bestow your virtues upon me this day, O God,” and the Virtues will come and anoint us with their light. For a “rainbow balance in our aura” we are asked to call upon the qualities of each of the rays, such as we do daily in the giving of the Golden Buddha Rosary. This balance and wholeness of the seven rays is so important for us if we are to remain flexible and pliable and not get set in any one mode or methodology. We are told to “be creative. . .to move differently, to dance differently, to drive a different route, to sing a different song, to be gracious and thank people.”
Justinius concluded by telling us that “The Virtues come but often we are not listening to their whisperings. Let us outpicture these Virtues through conscious awareness of their presence in our midst. Let us capture the essence they would convey unto us and live a life of Presence.”
To learn more of the Virtues, Justinius also suggests that we study the dictation from Virtue, given March 22, 2006.

If you would like to hear a replay of the entire morning service, it is available on the Broadcast/Audio page in the Recent Replay section. Click on the blue line that says "Click here for Recent Replay”. And the Previous Replay is usually the service from the day before, or earlier in the day when there are two services, such as on Sunday.