070820 Hierarchs of the Elementals

We are Called to Assist in Sustaining Life on Earth

Early Sunday morning, the Hierarchs of the Elementals came to give us an important teaching on the four quadrants of our being and to help us understand the nature of ourselves and that which is occurring in the world around us. We were shown that what we see being outpictured “in the storm and the wind, the lightening, the thunder, the fire, the earthquake, the cyclone, the hurricane” serve the purpose of bringing about balance in the earth. “For you see the elementals cannot sustain the imposition of mankind’s darkness and karma, and thus they must release that darkness that has been placed upon them.”

It was explained that the Four Horsemen are symbolic of “the four lower emanations of personal beingness”, and their ride has the purpose of helping us to understand “that this action is for your own personal coming to grips with those elements of being such that you may move forward on your path.”

Yes, you may look to that which has outpictured in the world of form in the economy and in the world as unjust and a manifestation of mankind’s lower nature…but look within your own being to determine what of your higher nature you have not yet fully assimilated and become. And determine this day, with the ascended masters’ consciousness and Presence over you and with you, that you will fully employ the gifts and graces and talents that God gave you in the beginning when he placed within you the spark divine within your heart.”

“When more of mankind employ the divine light within their world to sustain the harmony and balance in these planes, blessed hearts, then there will be the softening of the work of the elementals and you will see Eden come truly once more upon earth. But until many more take up the proffered gift of the teachings of the ascended masters and use, day by day, the resources of the Spirit to invoke the sacred fire on behalf of the elementals and the nature spirits, then you will see a continuing action as you have seen it in recent years, whereby that balance is brought about only through cataclysm, earth changes and the dire results to the lives of many.”

Our call to action came when it was revealed that we can make ourselves co-workers with the Four Horsemen! We were told that as we sustain the action of the violet fire, accelerating it to its laser frequency, we acquire the “pinpoint accuracy” of dissolving the unreal and accepting what is “real in the Now. This is your work with the Four Horsemen—to assist the earth itself in sustaining life upon planet earth as you know it.” We were then thanked for the sustaining of the flame that we hold “on behalf of thousands and even millions of lifestreams upon this earth. One day you shall truly know all the work that you have done on behalf of mankind and the elementals and nature spirits.”

070819 St. Germain

Saint Germain Delivers a Thrust of Freedom’s Light into the Nation’s Heart Chakra

Beloved Saint Germain came to last night's Freedom service in Chicago with an unannounced, impelling release of great light. This fiery-hearted Master proclaimed that every man, woman and child would feel the impulse of spiritual freedom that he brought. “I use the auras of those who are dedicated to this mission and this light in our center close to the great city of Chicago.” He had received a dispensation of grace from the Lords of Karma for the replenishment of reservoirs of light that are filled during the various prayer services of devotees. These reservoirs are spiritual forcefields that can be used for the transmutation of certain dangerous conditions of the mass consciousness where “moving pools of anger and hatred and the misuse of the emotional bodies of the people create a problem for us in our work to raise the consciousness of mankind.” These astral seas form giant clouds of darkness and evil that are often tapped into when great storms and intense weather conditions arise, causing great damage to life.

Since these mass pools of astral darkness can also be wielded against lightbearers to tempt them to leave off of the disciplines of the spirit or to engage in certain activities, Saint Germain impressed upon us the importance of our weekly Saturday evening Freedom Services and the monthly weekend vigils. “You have all, at one time or another, been party to the effects of these astral pools…which have overtaken you and knocked you for a loop, and made you ill or clouded your minds to think again as mortals rather than the divine beings that you are.” Our services give us a spiritual boost and impetus of light from higher octaves to help us keep on keeping on working for good and passing our tests.

Thus we work together to bring about world transmutation “…for, blessed ones, this sacred alchemy always begins with you.” Tending the altars of our hearts in our decree and prayer services enables us to become the anchor points through which the divine world may gain entrĂ©e to our dimension. And then the action that can be accomplished “is geometrized by a divine factor and quotient of spiritual light that is truly stupendous!”

I come now to activate, by the power of a cosmic factor, the light energies you have thus far invoked since our Freedom Conference in Bozeman” for the protection of the people, the borders, the economy. And by the authority of the Lord of the World and legions of Zadkiel and Amethyst, he also called for the protection of the messengers in heaven and on earth, “…for they are our vessels for the release of this fire and of the very Word of the Lord.”

And I say that those who would decry their stand for the light of Morya and of me and of any master now receive the return current of their misqualified energies, multiplied by the action of the mercy of the law of their own being.”

Reminding us that the law of love was immutable and exact, “… all must come to terms with their own use or misuse of the light.” Thus he came for the saving of certain ones and for the judgment of certain others who must choose to serve the light or else know the consequences. “And this word is for many, both in your government, on Wall Street, in the banking institutions and in business” for God is no respecter of persons and “there is no getting around who you are in the sight of God, for God’s vision is pure and holy.”

Then he told us to sing and dance and move and bask in the light of the angels of Freedom and Justice and “…know that the Four Horsemen do ride this night and they thrust their sickles and their scythes into the fields of mankind’s consciousness and reap the light for greater light and the darkness for greater darkness.” As this harvesting of the wheat and burning of the tares proceeds, he admonished, "Thus, watch your thoughts! Watch your feelings! Watch what flows through your consciousness and look upon your Presence and live as God-free beings with Portia and me, blessed ones!”

He finished with a joyous announcement what he was placing an electrode of fire of the violet laser light in Chicago for the freeing of a certain twenty souls to be contacted to come to the New Year’s Conference which will be in Chicago. “Compel them to come home to my heart! …and they shall know my Presence and my love for them, blessed ones.” Then with focused attention upon all of us who hear his words, he concluded his fiery message: “I seal you in the light of cosmic freedom and impel you higher! Higher! HIGHER!”

070818 Pallas Athena
Using the Heart-Mind Mudra for a Greater Connectivity with God

Blessed Children of the Sun,

When a soul's heart is upturned to God, then through that attention the Godhead is also attentive to the soul. Each moment that you experience in communion in some way with the Source of Being, you receive the selfsame directed currents of love-wisdom, magnified in greater measure, as those that you send to God. Through this law, it is natural that those who spend more of their life's energies focused on God receive a greater awareness of Presence as a result.

I come today to assist you in taking full advantage of this law, because at times, when you think that you are focused on God in prayer, you are actually far afield from that direct connection because your lower mind is actually drawn away into other fields of experience, meandering every which way and thinking about the mundane aspects of life in your plane.

In order to have a stronger connection, I invite you to try one simple exercise as you pray or meditate, and that is to hold your hands upon your heart and head, seeing by this physical act a current of electronic energy, a field established through this added sense of touch. For many who are not adept at visualization through the higher mind, who are often those who require almost physical proof that the word of their prayers are not falling on deaf ears, this simple practice can offer a reminder of the connectivity that is required for a more perfect flow to be established between your soul and the Spirit.

Blessed ones, I suggest placing your left hand on your heart, seeing the activation and the spinning of the twelve petals of your heart, and then placing your right hand on your head, sealing the crown of your being, thus adding the impetus of the secret rays that flow through your hands to this heart-mind connection. Those who are healers know the Alpha-Omega polarity that flows through each of the hands, and thus the Omega energies, through the left hand, touch your heart, allowing it to receive the pure energies of the Alpha currents through the right hand superimposed over your crown, the seat of Alpha.

A figure-eight flow will begin in this process that will establish a greater current, just as electricity passes through wires before you tap into it at a certain point or juncture in your home in order to use it. And although you may not require the physical touch of this simple mudra all the time, at any time that you feel your mind wandering or not fully engaged in the full connection with your God Presence, which should "direct the show" of your prayer and meditation sessions, you may bring your hands back to these positions to reestablish the strong connection again.

Dear hearts, we observe your great joy and your desire to change the world through your prayers, decrees and songs. Often, it is your inner motivation and surrender to what God would do through you that is the determining factor in how much you can be used as a sacred vessel for world transmutation. It is not by might or by a forced thrust through your chakras, but by a willingness to be molded as cosmic clay, that the results that you seek may be fully complete and manifest.

A key in alchemy, as you know, is the letting go of the thoughtform of the desired result once it is sent forth, for if you maintain a tie to that matrix it may not be free to travel across the universe to fulfill its divine mandate through the freedom flame which is indeed the alchemical ray inveterate. Thus, allow God to use you as an instrument as He wishes and attempt to refrain from mandating that results come in specific ways and means, for the Lord of All truly knows what is best for your soul according to the cycles of karma and the outplaying of the greater drama of your life in time and space.

With shield and spear in hand, I wield the cosmic energies of divine truth to dispel the antithesis of truth as the lie of believability in the not-Self. Through acceptance of the serpentine lie that you are separate from God, you have allowed inroads to darkness to inveigle themselves within your soul. And in order to maintain the full integrity of your being, calling back those lost soul parts and reintegrating them into your being, you must have the magnet of truth to accept what is real within.

What is real is God! What is real is the divine experience of a life lived to the glory of God! What is real is Selfhood within the greater Selfhood of the All! For only in perfect harmony with the Source may you know the All-Truth of the Divine One!

Take up your spiritual arms with me and move forward as the victorious ones who you are! We move and live and have our being as God's. Invictus! I am Pallas Athena.

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Town Hall Meeting Tomorrow!

Please join us tomorrow, Sunday morning, August 19th from 9:00-10:30 a.m. MDT for our Sunday Service broadcast, including a Town Hall Meeting. We are looking forward to receiving your feedback in several areas. Here are the two ways for you to participate:

Email: Send your comments and ideas to TownHallMeeting@heartscenter.org

070815 A Nameless Buddha of Crystal Light

I Come to Lend my Momentum of Spiritual Quintessence

Emanating crystal diadems of the action of the cosmic secret rays in his/her hands, A Buddha of Crystal Light spoke with us this morning at the behest of Mother Mary and in answer to our daily calls to the Buddhas from out the Pleiades and to Sirius. This is a Buddha “of the crystal essence of God’s awareness of Self as fire.”
We were given a view from the higher octaves of what “transpires when the sacred word issues forth from us” in many dimensions of being. Acknowledging our daily striving for the raising of the earth, this Buddha told us that “the greater work is that which is accomplished within you and the change and the transmutation that occurs within your soul whereby your Spirit which has always been one with the Lord God may be fully integrated within you and you in it. Therefore, take to heart the understanding that this self-transformation process where light, light, light is subsumed and effused throughout your entire being is the sacred alchemy of the work of all heartfriends day-by-day.”

Abide Ever Within the Heartbeat of God

We were asked to think about the nature of fire—its continuous moving, blazing expanding and contracting—and to realize that fire is our true nature. “And when the laser action of light of the cosmic frequencies of the secret rays is employed by and through you, through the directed currents of holiness where you are, then the cosmic frequencies of the highest aspects of spiritual fire may be employed by you and utilized for the raising of an entire life wave, a planet and her people.”
We are each being trained up in the Spirit, so that we may “as [Saint] Paul, be caught up in the higher planes and dimensions of Selfhood in God; understand the deeper mysteries of the Spirit; and abide ever within the heartbeat of God, pulsing forth the frequencies of cosmic love/wisdom for world transmutation. . . .If you would please God, then blessed ones, please understand God’s love for you. For only ensconced within that heart may you know the all of true love.”

A Day for Glorying in the love of Mother Mary

Ma-Ray now stands in the atmosphere of the earth “raising her hands in the frequencies of the secret rays. . . .She will speak this evening and all life hushed in the presence of her light will witness the change in the earth through the very voice of the mother of love, Ma-Ray. Come and bring your gifts, come to her feet and touch them, yes, the beautiful feet of the Cosmic Virgin. Even the light contained within her sacred soles may transform you through her essence, the sweetness of peace of her Presence.
“Now flow O secret rays through these crystals of light. Blaze forth and let immortelles of the divine roses from the heart of the Mother waft upon the breeze gently alighting upon this planet for the consuming of war and for the light of true love to be here.”

After a period of silence, David told us that this crystal Buddha placed cosmic crystals in the earth at the point of the secret ray chakras of the earth. “These electrodes are for the amplifying of the light of the secret rays which are coming into the fore of mankind’s awareness through higher teaching and through greater understanding of healing.”

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At the beginning of the service this morning, while speaking of the fires, smoke and haze in the Paradise Valley, David spoke of the importance of maintaining our emotional equilibrium. He referenced a dictation from Mother Mary from July 2nd of last year in which she spoke of the Sons and Daughters of Dominion of the Water Element:
“The sons and Daughters of Dominion of the Water Element are those have mastered the emotional body and the triangle of light of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio. This day I initiate the Order of the Sons and Daughters of the Dominion of the Earth Element—Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo—and through the six-pointed star of the interlaced triangles as above so below, when there is the mastery of both the emotional and the physical quadrants, then you will see truly heaven come upon earth. For there will be the integration fully within the earth body of fire and air itself merged with the water.”

David also mentioned that Hilarion would like everyone that will be going on the European Pilgrimage, as well as all who will be supporting this pilgrimage, to read the words of Paul in the New Testament, including the Acts of the Apostles. This is so that we can bring the light of Hilarion, the sponsor of the pilgrimage, for the transmuting of any records in our worlds that have been a stumbling block for us in this life or in past lives.

070813 Hilarion

I Come for the Holy Purpose of Infusing My Presence
Where You Are for the Victory of Your Soul

Radiating his love fire through us this morning, beloved Hilarion came to consume that within us, through free will, “that has allowed though unconsciousness, aspects of the dweller to take up their abode within” us. Hilarion defined the dweller, the not-self as “a conglomeration of that which [we] have woven around the central core of being through many lifetimes,” and that part of ourselves that does not amplify the light of our intention, but instead attempts to dissuade us from fulfilling that which we have set forth to accomplish. The dweller works through the “sly machinations of the perversion of the mental mind and the mind of Christ,” and will convince us “that a certain course in [our] life, or a certain thing that [we] must do is the way, when in fact, it may carry [us] far beyond into the nether world where thou wouldst not go if thou would have immortality.”

Keys for Confronting the Dweller

Whether we choose steely determination to slay the dweller or full acceptance of our Buddha Nature to allow the dweller to slough off is something with which each of us needs to come to terms. “Being aware of that darkness within that does come at times to tempt you, you can

• Call a spade a spade
• Place your feet firmly upon the earth
• Use the earth-touching mudra, and also
• Cast out that one satan or serpent,
• And say ‘Get thee behind me, for I am a son [a daughter] of God and nothing will any longer stand in my way to fulfill the law of Being.’”

Hilarion further tells us that “the key to the casting out of this dweller is the permanent fixture within your being of the five-pointed star of conscious awareness through the employment of those secret rays within your being. For only through discernment in the five levels, the five planes of higher consciousness, will you know exactly when the serpent has arisen and reared his head, and when you must take the sword and sever that head so that no more may it speak or use your own forcefield, your own light to continue to propagate itself within your own consciousness.” This spiritual sword of which Hilarion speaks is not used for selfish purposes “or to slay anyone or anything, except the not self of being.”

Hilarion’s goal is to Refine Us Through the Emerald Crystal Matrix of Light

Radiating the crystal emerald light within the five secret ray chakras of our being, Hilarion accelerated “through cosmic consciousness the action of that light for [our] greater attunement, focus and determination to fulfill the law of being.” We are told that each one of us within this movement of light of The Hearts Center is meant to be a crystal sun, refined in the refiner’s fire of the master jeweler, to be “anchor points of great cosmic consciousness for the earth. The level to which you are able to hold and sustain these frequencies. . .to maintain your harmony, your love and the greater light that you came to earth to employ, then you will be given greater initiations.” The key is to be free of the dweller so that in its place is the God-dweller of our God-being fully resident within us.

European Pilgrimage

Hilarion commented that because of the sacrifice, surrender, selflessness and service of all those who will be a part of the European pilgrimage, all will “receive something of that Spirit in greater measure. . .both before, during and after the sacred journey to my home of light at Crete.” Even now, he and the Angels of the Emerald Ray are preparing for this sacred journey, “for we know every step that you will take, every place that you will visit, and we will ensconce in the very molecules of the earth where you will abide, the essence of the frequencies of our love and light in the healing radiance of the emerald ray, such that you will never be the same, having walked in our aura, in our love, blessed hearts.”

Take up Our Crystal Sword

The work of the Spirit is for the soul freedom of each man, woman and child born of God to return to the “heart of the Father/Mother as true co-creators, sentient, super-sentient ones who understand the nature of the cosmos of Light, of the sound of the Om, the music of the spheres, and the divine science of beingness.” Together, we will be victorious in the army of the Spirit, and so Hilarion asks each of us to take up and wield our crystal sword with him for the Mother, for her light and for the holy purpose of Love.


0708012 Omraam

A Gift of Light Brought Forth and Shared by a Heartfriend in Arizona

True to the day’s name of Sunday, our family teaching service today from Tucson, Arizona was an inspiring and informative presentation about the sun. The presenter, Wayne Purdin, traced for us how these ancient mystery teachings on the sun have been preserved and passed down since the time of Atlantis by priests and adepts of the sacred fire. These teachings include how to contact the Solar Presence, the spiritual Sun behind the sun, and how to expand the sun in our hearts through sungazing and using the spoken word. These practices were embraced and taught by the Brotherhood through various embodiments of Serapis Bey, Kuthumi, Lanello, Lord Ling, Jesus, Hilarion, Omraam and others. Until the 1930s, they were given only to initiates of mystery schools at Luxor, Heliopolis, Alexandria, Crotona and elsewhere. Now in this age of Aqaurius these teachings are more freely given and the masters are continuing to reveal the mysteries of the sun. The reason for giving us this understanding has remained the same throughout all the ages―that we may become suns of God and radiate God's love and wisdom to all.

Your Solar Presence is Here and Now

After the presentation, the Messenger expressed his gratitude and together we gave prayers to Maitreya and Omraam. Then the Master Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov began his Heartstream to us, “In gratitude to the sun, I am come and I emanate the light of the sun from within you.” He came “…to impress within the very cells” of our beings the acceptance of this true teaching which we can share from heart to heart in order that “…a new world may dawn through each one who has become the sun.”

Can you imagine a world of thousands and millions of suns of God who have become fully present through identification with the sun source?” He asked us to not only imagine it in our waking consciousness but to go forth and make it a reality throughout the days and nights of our experience in the physical. “There is something special about the dawn. For the new light of a new day is brought forth each time you gaze upon the solar disc and receive a higher level of light than what you had experienced the day before.” He urged us to remember that the goal of the sungazing practice is for us to so fully identify with the light of Helios and Vesta that we will experience being a sun in our own right, issuing forth and emanating day by day the solar light of our own God Presence.

All life is one through this process of self-identification with the source.” When we allow the light to be fully where we are, “…then through the cosmic connection heart to heart and…the greater connectedness of all suns of God everywhere, there is the empowerment of the great cosmic grid and life is raised, blessed ones.” And just as the sun does revolve around its own axis and is itself hurtling in space around the Great Central Sun, so he sees abuilding through our Hearts Centers the connectivity that he called for many years ago in the request for 80 centers of light in the United States.

We must have the reconnection with our own source first and second with each other and then we will have the molding of our hearts through Presence which brings the flow of exactly what is needed in all dimensions and planes of being. It brings the full complement of God’s creativity through all sons and daughters, just “…as it was meant to be. If one or another Hearts Center were to spin off as a separate identity, it would lose the very essence of its purpose, blessed ones.”

Referring to the morning’s presentation, he said that each of us has something to share just “…as my son has shared this day in great measure.” He pointed out that when we tap into the universal stream of our own God-source, we can realize the full potential of our innate godhood and “…manifest the works of wisdom, love and the power that will flow through the cosmic grid of Self.”

"As you perceive with the eyes of the sun, whose eyes are upon you, you see, when you gaze upon the source, did you think that only your eyes were trained upon the sun? Well I say that the eyes, the cosmic rays flowing through those eyes of Helios and Vesta, are also trained upon you. And as you gaze upon the source, the very beingness of God in that perfect vision of who you are, does flow through the empowerment of the rays that you drink in in your meditation, blessed hearts.” He shared that he had perceived this mystery long ago and he gave us this encouragement: “Let this divine experience of the reconnection with source begin anew through you for your full healing, for your full beingness, for your oneness as Above, so below, with all that is alive.”

Finally he blessed all who look to him for the teaching of the sun and he said, “Now widen the circle of our community. Form those Hearts Centers and let the Aquarian Rider ride, so that this earth may be Heaven , come through all who are one with God.”

You will find the full version of Wayne Purdin’s presentation Mysteries of the Sun by visiting his website at Mysteries of the Sun. The URL is: http://www.angelfire.com/moon2/isisaz/mysteries.html



Beloved Babaji: Become the Light of the Mother!

HeartStream from June 30, 2007

Beloved Babaji came with a message from the Lord Krishna who wanted us to know of his gratitude for our progress in becoming the Word “at a certain level”. He wanted us to know that the need of the hour is that we also become the light of the Mother. And he came to magnify the presence of the Mother Light because of our dedication to the light of Mother—East and West—through the giving of our rosaries. Babaji with other unascended masters were present during that day of our Freedom Conference to bless us and be witnesses to the light of the Mother in the earth, reminding us of their bodhisattva vow to remain with us all the way to our own victory.

We are transcending cycles and approaching a greater God-realization! Babaji told us that our progress as God in manifestation is getting us to the place “that all that transpires within your being and world in the action of the secret rays” is an aspect of the light of the Mother. The action of the secret rays has been known for eons in the East, brought to the West by Babaji’s disciples. Without the receptacle of the Mother present upon earth through the action of the secret rays that we have invoked through the Golden Buddha Rosary, Alpha’s coming could not occur without great upheaval upon the planet. Also in preparation for the coming of beloved Alpha, Babaji and “the fiery ones from the East” assisted in our personal preparation.

Kneel before God and surrender past misuses of the light of the Mother. Babaji told us of the importance of each one calling upon the mercy of God to be forgiven and be stripped of “certain vestiges of ancient karmas of the misuse of the light of the Mother”. He told us to come to a point of surrender, offering all non-reality in our being to the heart of the Mother. This cosmic surrender is the way to cosmic consciousness. Remember Job who surrendered all—all “unconsciousness, all lack of beingness”. He now resides in the highest “nirvanic planes” of that cosmic consciousness.

Drink in the light of the Sun and be where God is even here on earth!” Babaji told us of the important teaching on sun-gazing as shared by a teacher who would be present at our conference and through the teachings of beloved Omraam and of Ikhnaton. We worship as Iknhaton did “the light of the Sun behind the sun”. Babaji stressed our acceptance that we may be where God is as we walk this earth as long as we attune to God’s heartbeat, allowing that stream of the energies of the Holy Spirit to flow into our lives. We decide how much we open the valve of this flow into our worlds.

Turn up the heat! If we desire a more intense relationship with our Solar Presence, it is our job to “match that heat through inner fervor”—such a fiery fervor for God! He reminds us that Krishna, Issa, Gautama, Maitreya, Kuan Yin, Joviel—all are One in the Mother Light. In closing, Babaji lovingly called to the Mothers—Durga, MaRay, Kuan Shi Yin to bless us “unto the day of the full appearing of the Shekinah glory” within us! And before he departed he raised us with his own z-ray to the “zenith of the star” our own God-being.

070809 Morya,Maitreya,Justinius

I Cleanse and Wash You with the Mother Light

With beautiful Eastern flute music in the background, Lord Maitreya came this morning coupled with the light of the Mother, to wash us clean in the love/wisdom of the sacred fire. Leaping and dancing around us, the sacred fire was for the consuming of the last vestiges of our karma that we are releasing from our unreal self. When in the presence of the Mother we were told, no longer will the “energies of the dust of humanity and unconsciousness” linger upon us.
As the music continued to be played, Maitreya called to our souls to dance in Mother’s love. “O Ishvara, O Lakshmi, O Durga,” he called, “caress these and seal them in light.”

Darshan with El Morya

With his tremendous clarity and depth of understanding, El Morya this morning answered the question “Why do bad things happen to good people?” This question had been posed, though there wasn’t time to answer it, during this past Sunday’s Youth Darshan.
“In this dimension what may appear to be bad or unjust, if you could perceive from our eyes. . .is simply the outplaying of what must occur within your dimension, point of reference and plane of being, in order for the scales of justice to be balanced. . . .What you perceive as a calamity that may come upon you or another who are good people, is the outplaying of past choices coming to full resolution through the circle or law of karma for the completion of that circle, such that the soul may learn the lesson of life, of the use of free will, of the impact of all decisions and the use of all energies upon other lifestreams and upon the One, so that cosmic harmony may ensue through right choice, through the return to wholeness.”
“All is just according to the will of God and the karmic accounting for each lifestream.” We are told that this is so wherever dire circumstances occur. Thus, Morya tells us “Praise God even in your darkest night and you will win the test of Job; you will pass the initiation of the stripping of your garments. Never cursing God, but always praising the mighty I AM THAT I AM for all that comes. This is the word and the law of the saints who trust God and his law and the law of being within the One.”

Darshan with Justinius, Captain of Seraphic Bands

Justinius completed his answer to the youth question this past Sunday regarding the Nine Choirs of Angels this morning, with a discussion of the Virtues. “The angelic Virtues are those who hold the key to the highest aspect of each virtue, divine and human, for mankind to outpicture. They vibrate at a very high level of being, as cosmic angles of God’s consciousness, focalizing the full interplay of each virtue. . . .When mankind seek to be holy and to outpicture something of God’s spirit and consciousness, the Virtues come to lend their momentum, their light.”
We can ask each day to outpicture these virtues or God-qualities. We can say “Bestow your virtues upon me this day, O God,” and the Virtues will come and anoint us with their light. For a “rainbow balance in our aura” we are asked to call upon the qualities of each of the rays, such as we do daily in the giving of the Golden Buddha Rosary. This balance and wholeness of the seven rays is so important for us if we are to remain flexible and pliable and not get set in any one mode or methodology. We are told to “be creative. . .to move differently, to dance differently, to drive a different route, to sing a different song, to be gracious and thank people.”
Justinius concluded by telling us that “The Virtues come but often we are not listening to their whisperings. Let us outpicture these Virtues through conscious awareness of their presence in our midst. Let us capture the essence they would convey unto us and live a life of Presence.”
To learn more of the Virtues, Justinius also suggests that we study the dictation from Virtue, given March 22, 2006.

If you would like to hear a replay of the entire morning service, it is available on the Broadcast/Audio page in the Recent Replay section. Click on the blue line that says "Click here for Recent Replay”. And the Previous Replay is usually the service from the day before, or earlier in the day when there are two services, such as on Sunday.

070808 Kuthumi

The Psychology of Sunship

The master psychologist, Beloved Kuthumi, came this morning to speak with us regarding "the psychology of sunship, s-u-n, in overcoming the victim consciousness and supplanting it with the victory consciousness." The essence of his message is that we acquire "a mindset of Self-assurance whereby in God, in your Divine Self you are complete. And there is no longer a need for the blame game, whereby you see others as players in causing you to be less than who you are."
The psychology of man is evolving, but spiritual seekers must be even more vigilant to be "responsible fully to and for the I AM consciousness" that we are. "Let go of all sense of separation that comes when you pinpoint what others have done or said, even in past incarnations, that you have accepted as causing that which you accept in the Now."

Put Your Trust in God and in Your Solar Source

The psychology of sunship is one that results in "complete resolution of all your past, karma is dissolved and thus there will not be the reaction betwixt you and others." Resolution with God allows for full reconnectivity. "It has always been your own sunship with God that has been the determining factor of what you have manifested in your world."

The Responsibility of Greater Light

Access to the amount of light flowing through the tube of light requires responsibility for what is colored by it. We must wash our electronic belt and chakras "such that all that flows through you is magnified by the Mother light, as above, so below." To have access to "the higher nature of light from the realms of light of the highest Buddhas and bodhisattvas" results in light "effused with their presence and conscious awareness of God where they vibrate. And there is a greater concentration, a greater energy quotient of fire contained within the light who they are."

Engrams of Light

"This day I challenge you to be that greater light where you are. . . . If you find yourself slipping into a past momentum of the draining blame-game of the victim consciousness, call to me and to Mighty Victory and we will be there to supplant the engrams of darkness with the engrams of cosmic light, inculcating within your crown. . .diadems of golden liquid fire, to infuse your mind with the essence of the mindfulness of the Buddhas."

070807 Victory from 070705

With a Capital 'V' I Proclaim the Victory of this Conference!

On July 5th, in the final dictation of the 2007 Freedom Conference, Mighty Victory joyously proclaimed, “With a capital 'V' I proclaim the victory of this conference and of your hearts, one with God! Blessed ones, the angels of Venus, in a cosmic V-formation descend into this place to seal all that you have accomplished in the full victory spiral of the light of God that never, never, never fails and always, always, always wins. And through the double 'V' of the 'W' itself, we will win because there is nothing else but victory in our lexicon and in our vocabulary. See there is even a 'V' in that word!”

He said that when we come together to worship the Lord God, the Lord God hears our cries and the angels descend to answer every heartfelt prayer, every yearning of our souls to be one with God. “We have seen all that you have offered and we are grateful at your great givingness and the spirit in which you have laid upon this altar many gifts of the spirit. Why the angels are smiling and brimming with joy at the cosmic camaraderie that is in this place. And now that we have brought another band of angels (referring to the Vera Choir) into your midst, do you feel the excitement of heaven?”

Regarding what we had written in our letters to the Karmic Board, beloved Victory said he would be there to give us “the energy, the drive, the momentum to fulfill every ounce of your intent to do that which is pleasing in the sight of God.”

Finally Victory said, “God is pleased with this company of saints. And though we have other angel bands and other devotees of light across the planet, this day I appear here. I appear as a fiery, flaming angel in your midst to impel you unto your personal victory and the victory of planet earth. And when you enter into the sacred circle and dance with our newfound friends, in the Paneurythmy, I, Victory will be there to seal the circle of fire in illumination’s flame. And beloved Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov will direct the dance himself! So, we are one. We are so one. We are so one. We are so one! I thank you for your spirit of joy and your spirit of victory, victory, victory!

070806 Alpha

Alpha Embraces His Sons and Daughters on Earth

The long awaited day had arrived. On July 5th, the final day of Freedom ’07, Beloved Alpha descended to earth radiating his stupendous love and light. The following is his message in its entirety:

"I come in answer to the cries of earth’s evolutions. And I kneel before the great God-flame within each created son and daughter of God. Truly I bow before that light that shines within you each one, blessed hearts. For in the beginning as Alpha you, as a spirit spark of the divine, were created in the perfect image, the immaculate design of the One God. And in the Omega return you shall come once again into the holy alignment with that divine nature who you are in the one light.

The purpose of life is love. And when you enter into the spirit of love then we, Alpha and Omega, live within you. For where else can we live but within love? And when love is present, then we are there, blessed hearts, beating within your chest, emanating our Presence of the light of First Cause and Last Effect within you. Where love is we as the One, undivided though in the plurality of that oneness, emanate through the Alpha and Omega currents, as above so below, within you. Have you perceived the oneness of God where you are? If so, or if not, then this day enter into the divine experience of living a life of love, in God, of God, as God.

“Holiness unto the Lord,” you cry. And we answer with our grace and the spirit of oneness who we are. “Alleluia!” rises unto our throne and we return the song of love to each one in whom our flame burns. Ye are spirits, though most have shed the light of the divine in a life not lived to the glory of God. This day embrace the spirit that we bear and live as one with us. As we serve communion through hearts of fire this day, new currents of the true blue of heaven will be imparted unto you, each one, as you assimilate the light of heaven manifest in the very substance that ye take in, which is God, if you would have it so, if through your belief and acceptance you will ingest the spirit of love who we are.

There is a hush across the solar system as all life receives particles of divine grace from the oneness of our belief in our creation. Yes, blessed hearts, we still believe in you for we conceived you, you know, and we have never left off of our belief that you will return unto our hearts in love. Let that day be this day. Let that day be every day. For when in the spirit of givingness you enter the heart of God, then we embrace you with our spirit again and again until fully subsumed in love you become God.

Yes, I kneel. And Omega with me bows to the light within each one. We honor our own. We love our own. We embrace our own. OM. The call compels the answer. This day we call you and we compel you unto holiness, love, joy in our embrace. Take and eat now. Take and drink now of the Alpha-Omega spirals of our love and live forever in God, O hearts of fire."

070804 The Keeper of the Scrolls on 070701

Comes to Report and Bless

The Keeper of the Scrolls on July 1st shared with us his feedback on our accomplishments of this past year. First, he reminded us that the personal progress of each of us, all that we have thought, said and done has not only been noted through observation of the recording angels but also felt by them and himself in all dimensions. More than anything he wanted us to know that we are more than we think we are. Our desiring, our surrender, our hunger for God is all recorded in the Book of Life over which he is guardian.

Many ascended masters acknowledge what we have accomplished but desire us to publish, publish, publish! Much rejoicing for the accomplishments that lay upon the altar occurred in heaven, he told us. But he wanted us to understand that so much has been delivered to us of the Word through our HeartStreams that if “even twenty per cent of that which has already been recorded” were to be transformed into publications and media presentations for the mass markets, we would see not only a swelling of our ranks but an increase in the light anchored in the very earth because of the multiplication of the masters’ words in this manner.

Gifts from the Lords of Karma and beloved Alpha are given to those who have striven much this past year. There was great gratitude extended to those who had “seen the need to act and have acted.” Those who have done so in creating publications of the teachings received from the Lords of Karma “a boon of light” added to the momentum of their causal bodies to be used daily to assist them in performing greater works for God. In addition, the Keeper of the Scrolls presented to all who had given sacrificially the gift of “an appellation from Alpha”. Within this scroll is written their accomplishments and karmic record, what needs to yet be fulfilled and resolved in this life in order to balance one hundred per cent of their karma. Much direction and guidance is included in this scroll which will accelerate their progress, allowing them to pass their tests with one another and to be victorious over all forms of selfishness. This victory will set the course for the rest of their incarnation as most productive for God.

Leave “not only trails upon the sands of time” but grooves and furroughs! The Keeper of the Scrolls sees us as strong examples for others to follow, for heaven has invested much training and light in us. We are seeing your advancement, he says. Our use of the spiritual tools given to us is happening. When we see the alchemical fruition, even if it takes months, years, we will know that we have become the teaching, the Word. We have been the overcomer! We are rising and even moving toward cosmic consciousness in our meditations and practices in emanation. The Keeper of the Scrolls encouraged us to keep on, not to give up—for all are benefiting from our strivings. What is the most important “testament of light on earth”? It is a heart that is right with God. This is how we become the Christ, a “light unto the world."

Create a clean slate on which to write your “testament of light.” The Keeper of the Scrolls told us again that he and all of heaven are greatful for our fiery hearts. It is important that all that we do is recorded, but there is no joy in recording those things that he knows we would “rather not have God see.” He blesses us as we strive to create a clean slate of past misuses of God’s energy. And upon this renewed scroll he desired that we write “a new testament of light” by “the power of your word”, through compassion and through the wisdom of the Mother. We are sealed and blessed “in the eternal love-fires of the Grace of God in whom we move and live and have our being.”

070801 Saint Germain -
Holy Purpose is Soul Freedom

Saint Germain came on July 5th to prepare us for the arrival of beloved Alpha and share yet another lesson in divine alchemy. His very presence and being spoke of his determination to help us accept "the great impetus of fire through your own Higher Self" and to help us to understand that as "you accept that radiance fully, then all will be clear. All will be trued within you toward holy purpose and your ultimate victory in soul freedom."

The Higher Alchemy of the Spirit

The simplest concepts are sometimes the most profound and powerful. Just by accepting ourselves as souls of light, we "begin the process of change as transmutation in this higher alchemy of the Spirit." And we "will not even begin to fully understand the changes that can occur" because we "have entered into a new dimension of being." This new dimension enables us to "accept the full empowerment of the Spirit that comes by the action of the violet laser light that pierces through and dissolves on contact all past decadence and unconsciousness."

The Violet Laser Light

The violet laser light works in combination with "these new techniques of sacred alchemy and of entering into the divine geometry of the Spirit whereby God geometrizes you into a new creature, truly divine in all ways. Can you imagine what life would be like upon this Earth, blessed hearts, if all had violet vision? Well, the masters of the seventh ray have this ability to envision all as free."

The Fountain of Youth

Saint Germain speaks to us of the true Fountain of Youth. As we “shine in that Presence twenty four-seven” and we live in the joy of that Presence, we are the example that our young people will be drawn to and emulate. They will want to be around us because of our love of living, our light-hearted spirit, our fire! The Fountain of Youth is and has always been “within the heart and within the crown of life emanating from the God Presence that is there where you are.” Saint Germain tells us that the stream that flows through the crystal cord is indeed that Fountain most sought after. Drink of it and become immortal! Everything we need to fulfill our mission and meet our needs is to be found there. "This is freedom! This is reality! And this is that which I give to those who understand the sacred science of alchemy.”

The Keys to the Kingdom

When love, wisdom and power are balanced, "a portal is opened to the divine world within your heart". Saint Germain says, "Therefore, work on your heart. All of your words should flow through your heart. All of your intention and your emanation." The portal to the divine can then release greater quotients of fire and light. May we receive the "solar empowerment that will move you out of the human domain into divine awareness this day. May it be so!"