07/01/ 27 DC Event Dictation Summary

We Will Not Let This Nation Go Down!”

* * * The Inaugural Hearts Center event in Washington D.C. began early Friday morning when the incomparable Zarathustra spread his wings of fire over the capital city to consume that which is not the will of God within the throat chakra of the United States of America. And he claimed the planet for Saint Germain and the Seventh Ray Masters. He delivered fire into the earth and deposited fiery coals into the chakras of all those who had chosen to be there for this important work of the Brotherhood.

* * * In the evening Heartfriends gathered for darshan with the Messenger, The session was filled with love and laughter and learning. Afterward El Morya spoke, saying that he had been with them all along, that their blessed hearts beat with his and that he had been working with each of them, reminding them of their personal missions. With great love, he told them, "We will not let this nation go down!" Picking up a small child who was nearby, he told them that he was also taking all of them into his arms. He embraced each one and imparted a certain action of a facet of his diamond heart, his gift to them for being patient, for being the One, for being true to the Self, the divine nature. He said to surmise what is that next best step on the path. Become the Master and stay in the new blue light of solar awareness as a God-free Being.

* * * The Mighty Elohim Hercules followed Morya, establishing his Presence with Amazonia in the heart of the earth to stabilize and hold the balance with cosmic frequencies, aspects of the Great Central Sun and of the light of Sirius. This will be sustained for two weeks as we give our decree to him at least three times daily. He stood back to back with the Goddess of Freedom whose image is sculpted in a statue atop the capitol dome. Both of them raised their swords creating a grid that provides a stabilization across the 50 states, as they also stood on the dome of all the state capitols in the United States. Heartfriends in attendance and those on the internet broadcast, were knighted on both shoulders with the sword upon the altar. All were asked to receive the commission and the fire of the love of Morya and Hercules.