Freedom Shall be the Way, the Truth and the Life of the People of this Land!
* * * This morning, the recently ascended master Sir Forgione, by dispensation from the heart of Lanello, shared his message of light and love on behalf of his family and the greater family of all heartfriends within The Hearts Center and within all true movements of light. In gratitude and in his honor, Sir Forgione, took the surname of his sponsor and dearest friend, Padre Pio, with whom he had served in a number of prior embodiments in both Italy and the Holy Land.
* * * Sir Forgione will be in Washington D.C. next weekend, overshadowing each one of us going there at the behest of Saint Germain and El Morya for the defense of freedom upon the American soil. Sir Forgione tells us that “Zadkiel and many Angels of Violet Fire will surround the nation’s capitol, and blaze forth cosmic light rays such that have not been seen for many years. Godfre and Lotus are determined that nothing shall come between this people and the divine plan for this nation.”
* * * We are also reminded to call upon all recently ascended masters by giving them assignments, especially in their areas of expertise. “We will assist you in all ways possible, in the advancement of this movement, and in the expansion of light, worlds without end.”
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