***The Goddess of Harmony reveals her presence to us for the first time today. She comes to explain the healing power of voices raised in musical praise to God. This will assist in earth’s transcendence over all inharmony. When there is a coming together of those who understand the sacred science of sound in the creation of beautiful music, she and her twin flame, the God of Harmony, are present. She uses as an example the music of the Vera Choir. Through the blessedness of the Holy Spirit, their music forms an antahkarana of such radiance and glory that the angels bow before it. And in the raising of voices in musical praise on earth, angels and cosmic beings come and blend their voices with ours for a stupendous release of light.
***The Goddess of Harmony reminds us that the playing of inspired classical music within our homes can assist in counteracting the jagged rhythms and cacophony of sound constantly broadcast over the airwaves of the world. She says that all perversions of the emerald ray may be brought into alignment through true musical harmony.
***In order for us to be able to enter into cosmic stillness we need to gain a greater understanding of sacred harmony. But she also explained that we can be the flame of harmony whether we are vocal or silent because within the soundless sound there can be the highest manifestation of harmony. Since we are each a focal point for the release of sacred fire and spiritual energies, we need to consider how we can create more harmony within.
***The God and Goddess of Harmony, in their magnificent tenor and soprano voices, will be singing to us during this twenty-four hour period to bring about greater freedom in us and on earth. She ends by requesting that we also sing throughout the day the song of holiness to God.