* * * Today Charyata, an emissary from beloved Alpha and Omega, delivered an aspect of the New Blue energy. Not having visited Earth in eons, he is with us today at the request of hearts asking for greater assistance. He honors the Master Jesus for the laying down of his life energies so that others could be saved and parallels our Lord’s sacrifice to what we, as students of the masters, have also vowed to emulate by the mercy of God.
* * * Charyata says that because many are awakening upon earth, there is a stepping up of illumination. We each have been chosen because we chose by our efforts to embody so that we would bear a portion of this new energy and be a part of the great drama occurring now. Because of our prayer work and inner work, greater blessings of light will be given to Earth, and many will be quickened to this way. Charyata wants us to know that love-wisdom has an aspect of this New Blue light. And that this will become more apparent.
* * * He explains the times in which we live in terms of cycles. When souls do not fulfill their reason for being, there is a drag upon the entire planet. We are at a point of reckoning. Some have called this “The Judgment”, but it is indeed opportunity. The LORD God is calling home many evolutions, and the prophesies of the Book of Revelation are unfolding before our eyes. There is the sifting, the separation of the tares and the wheat in this hour.
* * * Beloved Charyata sings a melody of healing for the earth causing an alignment within the earth as the voice of the One emits through his song. He invites us to come to him for surcease. His message to mankind: “Tune into the very heart beat of Alpha and Omega and you will know your own beingness as his sons and daughters.”
* * * Send comments about and articles for our newsletter and requests to volunteer on any of The Hearts Center teams to hearts.center@gmail.com.