080608 Mother Mary from 060826
Mother Mary’s Healing Retreat Descending
As Above So Below Because of Our Adoration of the Mother Light
In a HeartStream given by Mother Mary on August 26, 2006, she described the work begun in heaven of “the establishing in the West of a new and permanent retreat for Raphael and [herself] and the angels of the fifth ray of healing” by dispensation because of the daily, adoring attention given her through the rosary. “[I]n the heaven world above, a great cathedral of crystal fire is being fashioned by numberless numbers of angels” she said. And in a five-mile radius of the Wellspring property the angels fashion etherically “an oasis of spiritual nourishment” and build a concentration of sacred fire that all who travel to and through this area will feel.
By the power of five thousand times five thousand our prayers have been multiplied since this August 26th release from her heart. And the action of the secret rays, invoked daily through the Golden Buddha Rosary and other prayers, have accelerated in us and in the earth through these years!
She prophesied that “there will be in this temple of light the physical healing of many, once the outer manifestation of the temple beautiful is manifest here.” Her message stressed the importance of working in harmony, in oneness to accomplish the physical outpicturing of the heavenly retreat already begun. And she reminded us that many moved to this area in Montana for the very purpose of creating this specific holy shrine to the Divine Mother. And she said that it is the light of God within our chakras that is used “for the formation of each spiritual brick of this divine edifice,” a crystal retreat being created by angels whose expertise is divine engineering and architecture.
An arcing of light from Fatima to this new retreat, now being created in heaven prior to its lowering into the earth, would not only bring to those who serve here and come for surcease, the benefits of healing but also bring abundance. She told us of the importance of at least twelve being present for her to meet with us during these morning services, “focusing the light of the cosmic hierarchies of the sun…a focal point for the release of sacred energies through [our] chakras, twelve in number, primary, for the anchoring in manifestation of the essence that [she bears] for and on behalf of all life.”
Mother Mary left us with this promise, “ [O]ne day as you gaze upon the sun during its morning majestic appearance, my face, my visage will be there for you to see most personally. And in my eyes, truly the orbs of the divine that the Lord has graced to be within my being, I will convey my healing love for you personally.” She is so grateful for every sacrifice we have made, thanking us with all of her heart.