080603 Lanello
Lanello Calls Us to be Self-starters--to Claim Our Rightful Inheritance
A fiery yet loving Lanello comes this morning to state forthrightly, “Beloved ones, there are times when you must lay claim to your rightful inheritance and this takes a fiery determination, a spirit of oneness, focus toward your goal and a heart of love. Some would come to steal away your victory, even snatching it from you at the eleventh hour just before your victory. This is when you must stand as one heart determined that nothing shall assail the vision, the mission and the victory of both.” We are cautioned to look at momentums within us that could possibly work against the fulfillment of our plans.
Lanello asks us, “Is it always necessary for us [the ascended masters] to call vigils and to cajole you to come in order to sustain this activity or the alchemy of a project that you have seen as possible? Or can you self-sustain the momentum through your own human will one with the divine within you by forging a new link with the spirit through a fiery determination to see the potential and then make that potential a reality?
“We are grateful for all that you have done to raise the funds and see the great glow of your fiery determination, but now, blessed ones, let us move heaven and earth to make this retreat a reality—clearing the underbrush, building the edifice, laying claim to the land and inhabiting it for God.”
Click here to access and listen to Lanello’s entire message and to participate in the morning devotional service.