The Holy Spirit Lives Within You!
"Beloved ones, we again speak of surrender as the greatest spiritual practice that leads to perfect union with the Beloved, for in the act of releasing all fears of the unknown, all animosities of a life lived for self, one enters into the sacred space of peace where the dove of the Holy Spirit may abide. This is not a surrender of the real within you but the letting go of the past pretenses that have kept you bound to mortal living within the framework of an animal existence. It is time to lift up your head and live as the Godly beings that you are!"
Paracletus instructs us that "a slight turning of the dial of your own consciousness is required for you to both live in humility as a servant son or daughter of God and yet to realize your divine nature and to outpicture it in daily living." And finally, he reveals that perception is the key. "This is the unfolding of the flower of life within you, the emanation of God that has always been there and always will, for the Lord lives and moves and has his being within you if you will truly accept and know his love and light. I am Paracletus. I have witnessed the blazing light of my own Reality and thus I can see the potential within you that must be fanned and experienced in greater measure if you are to become immortal. Would you walk with God this day? Then take my hand with the Maha Chohan and breathe anew the sacred fire breath and live as the Christed one that you are."
Transition of Robert Odell Lewis
Prayer Vigil/Memorial Service on Tuesday April 24th at 6 pm Montana Time
On Sunday, April 22, 2007 at 7 pm Central Daylight Time Robert Odell Lewis (84), father of David Lewis, made his transition to heavenly realms of light, having balanced great karma in his last days while suffering from prostrate, esophagus, stomach and liver cancer. He was surrounded by many of his ten children and their family members as he breathed his last breath and bid the earth goodbye. There will be a short memorial prayer vigil and service for him broadcast from Bozeman, Montana from 6-7 pm MDT.