Today’s Town Hall Meeting & Dictation
It is Saint Germain’s incredible technology that allowed us to gather together from all over the world this morning to participate simultaneously in a meeting where we prayed together, received organizational updates, as well as the radiation and message from the Great Divine Director.
The Sustainability Team discussed the importance of their website (accessed through the “Preparedness” button on the left side of this homepage). On their site we can access their Three-week Preparedness Plan, and on the 15th of May, their Three-Month Preparedness document. On this same website, by the end of this week, we can contact the team to have our name(s) added to The Hearts Center Telephone Tree, in anticipation of a Telephone Tree exercise on the 19th of May.
The Multi-Media Team updated us on the status of the eight major projects they took on this year. The new Bookstore is already up and running—so we can now more easily register for all conferences, events, Meru classes, as well as purchase products and make donations more easily and efficiently. In the next few weeks, there will be a new Visuals Library for both uploading and downloading visuals to use in all of our broadcasts and vigils. Another of their goals is to have a CD of the Luxor pilgrimage dictations available within the month.
Regarding Hercules Labor #3 and the safeguarding of the master’s teachings, the first aspect of the HOPE system, our new online database will be out within a few weeks, allowing easier transcribing, editing and tracking of the master’s words.
Other of their projects have resource issues, both personnel and financial. A request was made for all who participate in the broadcasts and/or read the Heartstreams to consider donating to The Hearts Center, and to the Multi-media Fund. Resource shortfall directly translates into project delays.
Upcoming Events
There are a number of exciting events coming up which can all be read about in detail on the Events page, including the July Freedom Conference and the Fall European Pilgrimage. Register for any of the events on our Bookstore.
Thursday Night Vigil for Youth
There is a new Thursday Vigil for Youth beginning this Thursday, May 3rd. The vigil will be from 7-8:00 p.m. MDT. The purpose of this vigil is to ramp up our prayer work on behalf of the children and youth of America and the world. All are invited to participate in both the broadcast of the Vigil for Youth and the teleconference call where you actually give an invocation, sing a song or lead a prayer over the broadcast. It will be a “virtual prayer Session across the nation.” There will be a telephone conference number published on the website on Thursday, so all who want to participate in the leading of the vigil will call in at 6:00 p.m. MDT to plan the vigil.
Collective Responsibility to Support and Fulfill the Master’s Words
Along with the update on Hercules labors came a request for the staffing and funding of a number of key positions. Please contact Michael McNeil at for further information and/or to volunteer.
• Messenger Assistant—executive assistant to the Messenger
• Publishing Team Leader
• Director of Development
• Local Hearts Center Development Team Leader
Messenger's Comments
David spoke of how powerful our words are. When we speak of “need” we are focusing on a sense of lack. When we shift from the use of “I need” or “we need” to the fulfillment and acceptance of the reality of that which we want to precipitate right now, then the light energy from our Presence and from the ascended masters can fill in the divine design, the blueprint of that visualization and conception. Let “I am” as the present tense of God’s manifestation now become a part of our lexicon.
Both May 1 (Saint Germain’s Ascension Day and traditionally a day of devotion to Mother Mary) and May 2 (Wesak) are spiritually significant days—David is ready and available to receive the master’s words on both of these days during the morning broadcast.
Energize the Great Architect’s Cosmic Dream with Reality!
The beloved Great Divine Director spoke to us of our individual divine plans this morning as a part of the greater God-design of the universe. If we would enter into the mysteries of life that are at the core of the divine plan, then know through each angle of God’s awareness entrée into that centeredness “where you may both observe and understand the perfect movement of all life around you as if you were within the center of all life, which you are!”
The Great Divine Director rhetorically asked how souls currently asleep can be quickened to perceive their own divine nature? His answer involves each of us, for he states that “this is our [the ascended masters] work and your work to prepare the field of consciousness and to plant seeds of light at many levels so that, once watered by the soul, they may fully sprout and grow.”
Maintaining Form and Function
“Although I hold the conception of perfection for every lifestream within my awareness, I also tend God’s heart to increase the radiance of its blessings through my awareness at all times. So there is both the maintaining of form and function simultaneously whereby the blueprint of reality is created, preserved and destroyed in perfect congruity, in cosmic resonance.”
Move Potential into a New Field of Being
“Move potential into a new field of Being. This is my command to all servitors of fire who would help bring in a new age of freedom and enlightenment to all.”